Thursday, December 13, 2012

“God Wants You Healthy”

Today is a very exciting day as I want to announce the publication of Dr. Gilbert Birungi’s first book called “God Wants You Healthy” Your Health is God’s Priority!!!  Get it now, as it is hot off of the press!!!  

Dr. Gilbert has packed his book full of excellent teaching on God’s truth about our health, how He created our bodies to heal itself, His will for us to be healthy, how to walk in divine health continually, and reminds us that we need to renew our minds as to what God says about our health. The book also gives us practical tips on how to take care of our bodies, how to eat healthy, scriptures to stand on for our healing, and even has a question and answer section.   

My recommendation from the back of the book says it all!!! 

This book is an excellent tool that has been gravely needed in the body of Christ, because it ties the spirit man to the physical man and helps bring clar­ity to how God designed man at the time of creation. The author has done an excellent job of explaining God’s pattern and will, reveals how much God loves and cares about us and how very important it is to take care of our health, because our bodies are His temple.”  Mary Linette, USA. 

Below are some excerpts from the book:

 “I wanted to write this book to give them hope, inspiration, and a deeper insight on how to deal with spiritual and health challenges man is facing.  I also felt it important to remind everyone that God wants them healthy, in spirit, soul, and body.” 

”God wants you healthy!  He is interested in you, more than anything else!  He is looking forward to making you well! Remember you have the DNA of Almighty God.  He has equipped you with everything you need to live a healthy life.” 

“God has already made provision for your healing, but you must actively receive that provision by faith. Faith believes what God says, regardless of any circumstances or feelings.” 

“Actively receiving means “Take it!” Lay claim to it and consider it your own. You will then need to be ready to resist any attempt by Satan to steal it away from you.” 

“Your faith will grow as you boldly and consistently speak the statements from God’s Word in this book. As you continue to meditate on and boldly speak God’s Word, it will produce healing and wholeness in your life. It works just like a seed bringing forth a harvest.  God will surely perform His Word.” 

JEREMIAH 1:12 NIV The LORD said to me, “You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that My word is fulfilled.” 

“This book is not to read just once and lay aside. Use it regularly as food for your faith, even when you are healthy. You cannot overdose on God’s medicine, which is also effective for disease prevention.” 

“This marvelous medicine deserves to be shared. Everyone you love should have a copy of this book readily available when they need it.” 

“There is no sickness in Heaven. May God’s will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven!” (Matthew 6:10) 

“God wants you healthy! He is interested in you, more than anything else! He is looking forward to making you well! Remember you have the DNA of Almighty God. He has equipped you with everything you need to live a healthy life.” 

“You are full of wisdom, strength, anointing, and above all you are cleansed by the precious Blood of the Lamb and by His stripes you are healed.”

Remember:  Your Health is God’s priority and he has made provision for it through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.   

Therefore: I request you to believe that:
Healing belongs to you.
God wants you to prosper and be in good health;
Even, as you prosper in your soul.
God’s principle of better health is yours.
Juice and food therapy is important.
Nature was prepared by God to provide good health.
You are wonderfully and fearfully made.
 Your health is Gods priority! 

“May our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ be forever praised and thanked for all He has done for us!”

Excerpts from back cover of the book: 

Today is the day to raise your level of hope and expectation!  It’s the day to begin to believe and ex­pect the unexpected!  It’s time to begin to believe God to perform His Word in your life regarding health!  Through this inspiring book, you will learn truths found in God’s Word to help equip you, give you solutions regarding health issues, and help you renew your mind to believe God to restore your body back to God’s original design of good HEALTH. You will know God’s will for you in the following areas:  God’s Word as a Medicine, Deliverance, Biblical Teaching about Doctors and Medicine, Prayer and Healing, Juice Therapy, Healing Belongs to You, Functioning of Man, Biblical Nutrition, and Principles of Health.

This is the season for you to expect God’s blessings of good health! Always remember that you have THE DNA OF GOD and YOUR HEALTH IS GOD’S PRIORITY!!! 

About the Author
BIRUNGI GILBERT is a charismatic leader and a pastor of a new generation, who felt God’s call upon his life at the age of 11. Since that time, he has dedicated his life to serving the body of Christ in many capacities, including serving as a conference leader and public speaker, organizing revival meetings and crusades in Uganda and other countries, youth pastor in Kanungu Pentecostal Church, ministering at Cornerstone Healing Center, and the founder of Mercy House of God.  He is also the founder and current director of World Born Again Medical Ministries(, which reaches out to the lost, hurting, disadvantaged, and poor and needy people with free medical services to restore people’s health, as well as, coupling it with a message of hope.  

He currently serves as a doctor specializing in orthopedic medicine.  His aim is to transform people’s lives for the better.  

 “My desire is to win souls and help disciple saints in the kingdom of God, speak faith into lives of others, bring encouragement to the body of Christ, call forth the seeds of greatness God has planted within His people, and see people of God pros­per and be in good health,  even as their soul prospers.” (3 John 1-2) 

I am not recommending this book because Dr. Gilbert is the co-author on this blog, but instead recommend it because I believe in the principles that he teaches in the book, know of Dr. Gilbert’s character and integrity as a man of God, and believe in the anointing upon his life and ministry.  I have been very blessed to have known him for about 1 1/2 years, have worked with him on 2 mission trips to Uganda, Africa, and have also worked with him on multiple projects.  I fully believe in him and the heart that he has for the poor and needy in Africa. 
I think what blesses me the most about Dr. Gilbert is the fact that he is donating the proceeds of “God Wants You Healthy” to begin a school for poor and needy children and a medical clinic (see below) in his community in Uganda.   Dr. Gilbert could have kept all the proceeds for himself and his own personal gain, but instead he has chosen to make a difference in poor African children and families lives in Uganda.  WHAT A TOTAL ACT OF UNSELFISHNESS!!!  MAY WE ALL HAVE THAT SAME “SELFLESS SPIRIT.”  AS THAT IS THE KIND OF NATURE GOD HAS CALLED EACH ONE OF US TO HAVE!!!   In 1 Corinthians 11:1-2 Paul says,   Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.”  I think Dr. Gilbert’s example is exactly what Paul is talking about. 
Proceeds of the Book
The proceeds from the sale of the book will be used to start a school for suffering African children, as most children in Africa do not have the necessary fees to attend school.  We want to provide them a holistic Christian education, help them to be founded on the truths of Christianity, and cater to their educational needs.  We would also like to provide them with a hot meal, as many of them are very malnourished and would come to school hungry.  The cost to begin the school would be about $2,300.  Once we have it up and running, we would need monthly support to keep it running.
We would also like to start a medical clinic to help meet the day to day needs of people who cannot afford the cost of medical care.  Most people in Africa are very poor and normally do not receive medical attention their whole lives.  By opening a medical clinic, we can begin to tend to the medical needs in their poverty stricken community.   Once the medical clinic is up and running, it would be self-sustaining.   We will only need to improve on the services by buying equipment in the near future, as in the beginning, this clinic will be  an outpatient clinic.  The cost to begin the medical clinic would be about $2800.
We believe that by starting the school  and opening the medical clinic, we will not only be able to provide  an education for children and medical services for the poor and needy, but will also be able to give jobs to fellow Africans who may not currently have one.
Won’t you please help support this worthy cause of helping us start the school and medical clinic? 
Ordering the Book
You may order the book for a donation of $12, plus $5.99 shipping and handling (within the USA).   If you are ordering outside of the USA or would like to order multiple copies, please email us regarding the cost of shipping and handling fees at Also, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.  Please mail your check to: 
“God Wants You Healthy”
Attn: Jena Wicker
5309 Sherbrooke Road
Evansville IN 47710 
Merry Christmas!!!
Isaiah 9:5-7 For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Luke 2:2-21 And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. 2 This census first took place while Quirinius was governing Syria. 3 So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. 4 Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, 5 to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child. 6 So it was, that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered. 7 And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. 8 Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. 10 Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. 11 For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12 And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.” 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:  14 “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men! 15 So it was, when the angels had gone away from them into heaven, that the shepherds said to one another, “Let us now go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass, which the Lord has made known to us.” 16 And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the Babe lying in a manger. 17 Now when they had seen Him, they made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this Child. 18 And all those who heard it marveled at those things which were told them by the shepherds. 19 But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. 20 Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told them. 21 And when eight days were completed for the circumcision of the Child, His name was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before He was conceived in the womb.
For the Love of Africa, Dr. Gilbert, and I would like to extend our warmest wishes to you this Christmas season!!!  We pray that you and your family would have a very blessed Christmas and that God would show you great and mighty things in 2013.  We know this is a very busy season for many of us, but please remember that:
  “Jesus is truly the Reason for the Season”!!! 
His bondservant,


Monday, December 10, 2012

Urgent Request

As many of you know, people in Africa do not have the necessary dental supplies (such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc) to take care of their teeth properly.  Also, doctors and the medical facilities do not have the medical supplies and equipment, as we do in America, to provide the necessary services for their patients.  Since the necessity is so great, we spent a lot of time this past year collecting dental and medical supplies, and medical equipment to send to Uganda, Africa.  Because of the generosity of the dental and medical community, we were able to gather 12 cases of supplies, five phlebotomy chairs, and seven IV poles.    

We had done a lot of homework before beginning the process of trying to find the best and cheapest way to send the supplies and equipment, and after months of homework, we found that the cheapest way to send the supplies and equipment was to send them by cargo ship. 

With the help of a group of people, we were able to send 2 large crates of supplies and equipment, which weighed about 250 lbs each.  They left Evansville, Indiana, USA towards the end of August and arrived in Mombasa, Kenya in early November. 

It was our understanding that all necessary fees had been provided for, but in order to get these supplies to Dr. Gilbert in Kampala, Uganda, we have now been told that there are additional fees required for us to pay in Africa.  Below is a listing of the fees needed to free the shipment and allow it to be delivered to Dr. Gilbert.

Consolidators                  $330

Storage                              $150

CFS charges                      $ 50

Transport                         $675

Agency fees                     $250

Total                                $1455

The agent Dr. Gilbert is working with in Mombasa, Kenya told him they are willing to discount the above price to $1,300, since it is for charity purposes.  We thought we had the necessary funds to complete the project, but had not anticipated any of the above fees, as we thought all of the fees had been paid up front.  Because of this, it has made it very challenging and difficult for us to gather the remaining necessary funds to complete this project.

This is very disheartening to us, as we made a commitment to the medical and dental community to get these supplies and equipment to Africa.  We ask that you please agree with us in prayer for God to supply the necessary provision. 

If you would like to give towards helping complete this project, please feel free to contact Dr. Gilbert or me at I would like to thank you in advance for hearing my heart!!!

God bless,

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Mercy House Children’s Home


BUT GOD HAS HEARD OUR PRAYERS AND CRIES and is saving people, healing them, and providing for them. He is the God who loves Africa and sent His only begotten Son to die for the people of Africa, which includes the children He created.  His will is to deliver the people and children of Africa from poverty and give them a hope and a future.

Because of the passion God has given me for the disadvantaged, I have been meeting children who have literally stolen my heart.  The first 3 children I met were the children in a place called Masindi district.  These children were double orphans and the eldest was 9 years old. They were staying in a house alone with NO ONE CARING FOR THEM, NO FOOD, and no one to direct them, advise them, or show them parental love.  I was so touched and moved with compassion, but at that time, I was just a student and was not in a position to change their situation.  I went home BUT I couldn’t sleep!!!  I kept on praying for them and up to now, I don’t know how they are doing or where they are.  I have been praying for them to have a future.
I kept meeting many children like these everywhere I went, who were disadvantaged like in the village I grew up in.  As I have grown into adulthood, I have found that out of 100 children only 10% of them can manage to have parental care and make it in life.  The rest of the 90% in the villages are suffering and greatly lacking.
One day I visited a place called Burora IN KANNUNGU DISTRICT.   When I reached there, my friends started telling me a story of how a certain widow in that village lacked food for her four children.   She decided to bring a man into this family to help her in raising the children, but instead of being a blessing, this man started abusing the young children sexually.   THIS MOTHER COULD NOT TALK and report it, because she had no help and thought that if she talked, the man will leave her.   Finally, the elder child and also the mother became sick and it was discovered that they were both HIV positive.   When they were taken to the hospital, this young girl was full of pain and had to tell the story.  The father and mother were imprisoned and died there.  I asked my friend to take me to visit the remaining children.  I was again moved by passion when I found that these children needed a home where they could be loved, cared for, had nourishment, and were treasured. 
In May 2012, I was working in one of our medical missions in a place called Buyikwe district, which is one of the Uganda’s very remote areas.  As we were carrying out free medical treatment, I met four malnourished, weak, and sick looking children.  I asked their history and was told that their parents died of HIV/AIDS, so we decided to do a HIV/AIDS test on them.   They all tested positive!!!  Immediately, I was moved by passion and felt like these children could have a future.  They only needed a home that could provide for them the basic needs of life.  I took them to the hospital and WE INITIATED them on the ARV’s.  I kept on providing for their basic needs, which was so hard and costly, because they lived far away.  But the problem was they had no one to care for them, no peace in their heart, and education was a problem.  This day was the day I felt God directing me to begin the MERCY HOUSE CHILDREN’S HOME.   I started praying and asking God if this is the right time to start and had also been praying for financial provision. 

Another factor to why I felt of beginning a children’s home was, in 2009, when I went into my home district and found refugees in need who had come from Congo.  Some of them had no parents, as they were killed by the rebels. I saw how these innocent children were suffering and I was moved by passion to help them, so I asked my father to please help them wherever possible.   I remember that he would carry food to them for some time, but it was hard for him because even he himself was struggling. I kept on asking God to help us begin a children’s home in order to help children like these.

In July 2012, I went again on a medical mission and during the process I MET another case of a young double orphan girl named Denavensi.  This girl had a big wound in the stomach area, with part of the intestines protruding out of the front of her abdomen.  She was using a large polythene trash bag to trap waste from the stomach area.  I asked about her and found that she was passing through a lot, was neglected, had no help, and all her care takers were wishing her to die, so that she would stop burdening them.  I want tell you I cried when I heard and saw this and asked God about where I should go to get financial help, so that we could provide for her what was needed.   We shared this on the blog earlier this year and GOD TOUCHED a man and his wife, whom I didn’t know, but who are now good friends.  They connected with Momma Mary and provided the money for Denavensi’s surgery and the hospital bills!!!  THANK YOU JESUS FOR THE LIFE OF THIS GIRL, AS GOD LOVES HER AND HAS A PLAN AND PURPOSE FOR HER LIFE!!!!!

Because of this act of love, when this girl was taken back to her village, God used what she had passed through to save very many people in her village, including the government officials. But soon after that, she started passing through childhood abuse and was even being be whipped by the stepmother, since both her mother and father were deceased.  She so desired to be in school but had no education and no one to take care for her properly.  Through prayer and love towards her, we felt we should do more than this.  THE GOOD NEWS IS WE FELT BY FAITH THAT IT WAS TIME TO START MERCY HOUSE CHILDREN’S HOME, WHICH WAS OFFICIALLY OPENED ON OCTOBER 30, 2012,  AND THE FIRST CHILD WE HAVE TAKEN IN IS DENAVENSI.  GOD HAS PROVIDED SPONSORSHIP FOR HER SCHOOLING AND TUTORING, ALL HER PERSONAL SUPPLIES, AND THE FOOD NEEDED FOR HER.  IN THREE WEEKS TIME, GOD HAS RESTORED HER JOY AS A CHILD, IS FULL OF PEACE, HAS A SMILE ON HER FACE, AND IS STUDYING HARD AND DOING WELL IN SCHOOL.  WE GIVE GOD ALL THE GLORY AS HE IS FAITHFUL AND TRUE!!!
We are hoping to be able to take in more children before the end of this year.  WE COVET YOUR PRAYERS AS WE MOVE FORWARD IN THIS VENTURE!!!  WE BELIEVE God desires to make a difference in these children’s lives and wants to give them a future and a hope.  We also believe they deserve parental love and care and a place to call home.  This is why we felt that we were supposed to call it Mercy House Children’s Home, instead of an orphanage.  We want the children to know they belong, are loved, and are cared about.  

Children are people too, made in God’s image and likeness!!!  Mercy House’s main objective is to bring children in off the street, delivering them from a helpless situation or an orphanage mentality, and turning them into good responsible Christians and citizens, who have a destiny and a purpose for living.
It is our desire that the orphans get help, find meaning in life, and feel that they belong in a home where Christ’s love is shown and demonstrated.
We want to help them realize that life has not ended when they have lost their parents, that He will console them, heal them, and set them free.   We want them to know God still has a plan for them. We desire to be fathers to the fatherless and mothers to the motherless, as the Lord has commissioned us.
We desire that all these children get an education through sponsorship, so they may become self-reliant in the future.  We also want to train them to help others who are in need.
We would like to give these children good health services by building a clinic at the home and have a doctor available of them.
We desire to provide and care for all their basic needs of life.

I pray that God will bless you in all that you are doing to help relieve poor and suffering children in Uganda, Africa.

Yours in Christ
Dr. Gilbert Birungi

Monday, October 15, 2012

2012 Mission Trip Update

First of all, I want to apologize for being absent from writing on the blog for a number of weeks!  Besides the fact that I wanted to give undivided time to prepare mentally and spiritually for my mission trip to  Uganda, Africa with Called Out Ministries, I oversaw collecting a lot of the medical supplies we took along on the trip and also helped pioneer our first medical supply/medical equipment shipment to Uganda.  The medical supplies/equipment boarded a ship a couple of weeks before we left on the mission trip and it should arrive in Uganda around October 23rd. 

The good part about my being absent from writing on the blog is the fact that it was left in the very capable hands of Dr. Gilbert!!!!!!  He has done a great job of taking over for me in my absence and I appreciate his help!!!  I may have been out of sight, but the blog was NOT absent from my mind, nor my heart!!!  As a matter of fact, it was a REAL discipline for me not to write on it!!!
We returned home Saturday, October 6th and  I have spent the past week downloading pictures and putting together online picture albums for  the individuals being sponsored and their sponsors and also for the medical team and a couple of pastors.  They say a picture is worth a thousand words and I think that is true, because as I looked back over the pictures I downloaded/albums I have put together, it brings back a lot of good memories and puts a big smile on my face!!!  I am not going to say there weren’t any challenges, but what kind of a mission trip would it be without challenges, right?!!!  Challenges should cause us to grow!!! It is all to help refine our character and it is character that God is interested in!!! Our character matters to God!!!
For me going back again to Uganda again this year was a win-win situation!!! I had become friends with some fellow brothers and sisters in Christ there last year, so for me, it was like homecoming!!!  Even as I arrived in Nairobi, Kenya and was getting ready to board another plane for Entebbe, Uganda, I found myself feeling like I was home and kept looking for familiar faces such as Dr. Gilbert, Rashid & Janet, Shamiim, and Pastor Julius!!!  I really began to realize how much I had grown to love them over the past year and how God had knit our hearts together!!!!!  Several days after we had arrived in Uganda, I turned to Jena (friend of mine who went along on the trip with us) and said, “Do you smell the air?”  Of course she said yes and then I went on to say, “That is EXACTLY the same smell I have smelled the whole past year that I have been gone!!!”  The unique thing is that the smell was EXACTLY the same smell and there was NO ANY VARIATION IN IT AT ALL!!!!  I think that is only something that God could have done!!!!!  I am not sure what to do with all that yet, but I am sure that the Lord will show me!!!
It blessed me that Dr. Gilbert had worked so diligently to bring Denanvensi and her Pastor to his church so I could meet them and hear first-hand the testimony of Denanvensi’s life being saved by someone who did not even know her.  What a testimony it was that the whole village and the government officials came to know Jesus as Lord and Savior because of it.   I know that God has good plans and a purpose for Denanvensi’s life!!!
 I was very blessed that I got to meet some of the other individuals who have been sponsored, such as Andrew, Monic, and Brenda!!!  I see a bright future for them and am so proud of them for studying hard and doing well in school, and for their awesome testimony and walk with the Lord!!!
 I also got to catch up with Shamiim who is sponsored by Julie & Dan DeYoung and some of the people in their Bible Study Group.  She is a business administration major in college and has come such a very far way this past year!!!  Her face just beamed with joy and enthusiasm!!!!
Also, I was very blessed to get to work with Sam, Doreen, and Dr. Gilbert again in the medical clinics!!!  I bonded well with them last year and have worked a lot with Dr. Gilbert over the past year, so that part was easy this year.  Most of them seem to call me Momma there, and you know, I think that name seems to fit me well!!!  With that being said, I picked up 2 more sons this year named Alex & Elijah, who now call themselves my twin sons.  They are quite hilarious and I love their sense of humor!!  It kept the air light and kept us laughing!!!  Alex is the dentist who worked in the medical clinics with us!!!  We should all ask him about Jena working as his dental assistant!!!!  Isn’t that right, Alex?  He sure did try to make Jena his dental assistant, but she graciously declined!!!  The joke was that he was going to have her giving shots and extracting teeth!!!  LOL!!  Jena ran for her life and it made for a lot of good laughs!!!  We ended up nicknaming Alex “Trouble” because of all the pain he causes his patients. He said he thought we should name him “Troubleless” because by the time he is finished with his patients, they have less trouble. LOL!!! Elijah also had a sense of humor and did a great deal of joking!!  I really liked his hunger for the things of God and feel he wears the hat of an evangelist very well!!!  In one of the medical clinics in Kampala, because of the language barrier, he helped me bring a young Moslem man to salvation.
Now on a more serious note, the medical clinics went well!  As Dr. Gilbert stated in his follow up, we saw a total of 1,670 patients in our one 3-day medical and two 2-day clinics.  Because of the extreme poverty in Uganda, medical clinics really help serve the needs of the community, but more importantly, according to Matthew 25: 25-41 we will be judged by how we take care of the poor and the needy.  We will not be judged by how many sermons we preach or how many books we write (even though those things are important), but we will be judged by how we take care of the poor and the needy!!!!
Thanks to all the doctors, the pharmacists, and the dentist  for their willingness to donate their time to care for the poor and the needy!!!  They did a great job and their works of service do not go unnoticed by our great God, nor by me!!!
Also, a special thanks to all of you who donated money, dental supplies, and medical supplies/equipment for the medical clinics and those who donated money for the Women’s Conference!!!  We could not have done it without you!!!  God brought a great group of people together to help us get the job accomplished!!!!   We all have need of each other, as one person cannot do it alone.  I like something Max Lucado said in his book “Outlive Your Life” that everything works better when you do it as a team!!!  1 Corinthians 12:21 says “the eye cannot say to the hand “I have no need of you” nor can the head say to the feet “I have not need of you.”  We ALL have need of each other!!!  God has put all of us on earth to help each other!!  NOT ONE OF US POSSESSES ALL THE GIFTS THAT WE DO NOT NEED OTHERS TO HELP US ACCOMPLISH!!!  There is strength and accountability in numbers!!!
Blessed to be a blessing,






Saturday, October 13, 2012

2012 Uganda Mission Trip Follow Up

This mission trip has been one of my best, as it was challenging and I have learned a lot. The trip has increased my burden for the vulnerable children in Africa, people suffering with diseases, and the less privileged.  My outlook and values about life has definitely taken on a new dimension. I was moved by the selflessness of team members and the willingness to identify with poor people of Africa. The willingness of the team members to do just anything for the sake of Christ was a huge blessing to me and it reminded me of Paul’s statement in Philippians 3:8 that “Yet indeed, I also count all things loss … that I may gain Christ.”  I was also thrilled by the patience of the people we attended to. Because of the large crowd, many had to wait several hours for their turn. Also, people were very receptive to God’s love and this was amazing to me.

I used to have the impression that missions was just about preaching the gospel of Christ and souls being saved, but God changed my orientation when I attended my first medical mission in 2008 with medical students. I can now appreciate missions from a whole different perspective of reaching out to the physical, natural, medical, and even emotional needs of people, and in the process, sharing the whole gospel truth with them. Even our Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 25:42-43 “for I was hungry, and you gave me no food; I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, I was a stranger and you did not take me in, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me…” The people Jesus was referring to were counted unrighteous, not because they failed to preach the gospel, but because they did not care about the needs of the less privileged among them. 

As a matter of emphasis, I now realize that living for others is the ultimate goal in life and it is whatever we do for the sake of Christ that matters most. That is our purpose here on earth!!!  I need grace to pray for missions and missionaries more than ever before, to support the work by giving more, and to become more of an instrument for the Master’s use when the opportunity arises.
This 3 week mission trip comprised of a VISITING team from the USA (GLORIA, RENE, MARY, AND JENA), doctors and other medical personnel from WBAMM, pastors from Africa and other Christians from local churches, who volunteered to work with us in the medical clinics. Our visitors also preached in numerous churches, held conferences, and passed out toys at Good Samaritan Orphanage. 

Medical Clinics:

We thank God for the medical clinics!!!  It is one of the ways we share the love of Christ to the unprivileged and also ministering mercy to them. We  provided free medical treatment and dental services in the slum swampy area of Bwiase, Kampala; in the remote village of Kigumba; and also went out into a very remote area called the “Bush” (Kasawo).  The total number of people who received medal treatment and dental services in these 3 particular areas was 1,670. We are also very excited that over 85 persons gave their hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ in the medical clinics.
Many of the people that came to the clinics traveled long distances on foot, without shoes on their feet, and some stayed at the station for more than 1 day, waiting to be attended to by the doctors and the dentist. 
Many have gone for a lot of years without getting any special attention from a doctor, and some are living in very poor, unhygienic environments.
We thank God we had a dentist who traveled  with us into all these areas, because you cannot find a dentist in the whole district and people can live out their years without seeing one, without cleaning their teeth, and lack necessary oral health, etc. Dental cases in the clinics were overwhelming, compared to the one dentist we had. Most patients were taught dental care and given toothbrushes/toothpaste and were taught to use them regularly. Others were referred for further dental care, though they cannot afford the cost for fillings, root canal treatment, etc.
Most Africans are very poor and cannot afford the cost of health care, so they either use herbs as medicine or just survive on God’s mercy.  As you can see, doing medical missions adds a great contribution to their lives.

                                             Hundreds of patients lined up for treatment!!!
                                       Multitudes waitng for medicine from the pharmacy!!!

The most common conditions seen in the medical clinics were: malaria, skin diseases, worms, cerebral malaria cancers, HIV/AIDs, urinary tract infections, upper respiratory tract infections, productive cough, peptic ulcer disease, low back pain, headaches, fibroids (these patients were referred for further treatment), candidiasis, worm infections, trichuriasis, laryngitis, hypertension, allergies, eye infections, cardiovascular disease, otitis, arthritis, and neuropathy.
During the medical clinics, we found some patients that were HIV /AIDS positive, so we counseled them and referred them for further treatment. Other patients need surgery or further treatment for breast cancer, testicle hernia’s, and osteomylities. In another case, both the mother and the 1 year child are HIV/AIDS positive with no care; and another young baby has hydro cephus.
The above patients, along with the testicle hernia patient, require further management and surgery in a hospital and need more intensive care that cannot be provided on the mission outreaches in the community.  The problem is that these individuals are so poor and need God’s intervention, as these medical procedures require finances to facilitate the necessary treatment.  Please pray and agree with us for the necessary finances. If God speaks to your heart about helping, please feel free to contact us!! God is able!!!
Other Activities:
Above picture left to right: Mary & Denanvensi.  At Mercy House of God Church, we had testimonies from Denanvensi and her pastor, who brought her from their village.  They testified how this 12 year old girl was given life by someone she doesn’t know that read the blog and how this has affected the whole village. Because of this miracle the whole village came to receive JESUS CHRIST AS THEIR LORD AND SAVIOR. This girl is a double orphan and has been out of school for two years. We are praying for her to be sponsored, so she can go back to school.   At

Left to right: Andrew, Monica, Brenda, Mary, Dr. Gilbert, Denanvensi’s Pastor, Rene, Denanvensi, and Praise. These are some of the children that are sponsored and are working diligently to become all that God has created them to be.  
We also had a testimony of the young gal named Brenda, who is an orphan and was sent away from school in her final year of studying nursing, due to failure of paying school fees.  Because of sponsorship, in August 2012, Brenda went back to school after setting out one year and having lost hope of ever finishing school. She is now working hard and is believing God to finish school in June 2013. We are so proud of you, Brenda!!!
Sam, our newly sponsored young man, feels called by God to become a dentist. During the mission, he found out he was admitted into dentistry school in Mulago Paramedical School.  We thank God that He has provided sponsorship for Sam.  Go Sam go!!!
As you can see, it was a great and transforming mission trip season!!!  WE ARE VERY THANKFUL TO THE LORD FOR ALL HE HAS DONE!!! To God be the glory, honor, and praise!
His bondservant,
Dr. Gilbert
Africa, Uganda