Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Hope for Patrick

Today, I am overwhelmed with joy as I think about God’s mercy, which endures forever.  I have been asking myself how we started this great work.  As I look at all, I am amazed by the goodness of God and what He has been able to do!!! Surely our service is not in vain.

I have looked at a number of people in Africa who cannot afford the cost of saving their lives from terrible conditions, so this has caused me to look even more closely at what I am going to share with you.
In the middle of SEPTEMBER 2013, a young boy named BAGUMA PATRICK, who is 3 1/2 years old and one of seven children, put a foreign body from a Bic pen in his mouth.   It accidentally moved through the trachea and down into his bronchi, towards his lungs. Due to the pain, the child began crying and had difficulty breathing.  Because Patrick’s parents are very poor and had no money, they waited for more days to see what would happen. The situation increased and the child’s condition worsened, so they decided to sell the only piece of land they owned and took the child to a nearby hospital. 
Rose & Patrick, pre-surgery

The hospital doctors tried to do what they could to remove the foreign body, but failed.  Patrick’s situation worsened and due to his difficulty in breathing, he was put on oxygen.  He was brought, along with his mother, to Mulago hospital in Kampala, Uganda by ambulance.  When they reached the hospital on September 19th and the child was taken to intensive care.
This woman did not know Christ as LORD AND SAVOIR and by this time she had spent all her money from the sale of the land, so she began borrowing money from other patients around her.  Christians, who were doing hospital ministry, were praying with patients in the ward and requested to pray with her.  At first she refused, but when they came back, she accepted and they prayed with her.  By this time she has been in the hospital a week and through prayer God opened a way for her son to have a bronchoscopy completed, but still they failed to find the foreign body.  By this time, the right lung had collapsed, his chest had become enlarged, and he was put on medication.
The mother lost all hope and had no one to help her.  She stayed another week in the hospital, thinking her child was going to die.  At this time THE CHRISTAINS CAME AGAIN AND SHARED WITH HER THE MASSEGE ABOUT JESUS AND HIS DELIVERANCE POWER, so she gave her life to Christ and she begun looking for a church to go to.  Meanwhile, they kept on praying for her and Patrick. The doctors told her they needed to do more tests, Patrick needed more costly medicine, and that he also needed to undergo surgery.  All this was impossible for her, as she had no friends or relatives in Kampala, no money, and no one to help her, but God changed the situation because she trusted and put her hope in Him.
Because our church is near the hospital where they were staying, Patrick’s mother, Rose, came to the church I pastor during our lunch hour service, as she found us by following our voices.  I saw her crying desperately, as she seemed to be in great pain and confused.  The spirit OF GOD compelled me to go and talk to her, as I know that when God puts a burden or passion for something on my heart, I must go and act, because God knows why He does that through me.  I took her into the office and prayed with her.  She opened up and shared with me what was happening.  I had to Skype with Momma Mary, so we shared about Rose and Patrick and the situation they were facing.
My wife and I took a stand to make special urgent arrangements with the hospital, so that Patrick could undergo surgery and we kept on praying for his life. On October 23rd, Patrick underwent a successful five hour surgery in which they were able to remove the foreign body.  He has healed and progressed very quickly.
Patrick, following surgery
Patrick after surgery with foreign body
Patrick, Dr. Gilbert, & Rose

Patrick’s father came to see them on October 30th and when he found out the good news, he came looking for our church and gave his life to Jesus.  They were discharged that same day and went back to their village in the Hoima district, which is located more than 7 hours from Kampala.  As they went, they were rejoicing and praised  Jesus.

Rose & Patrick, the day of dismissal

When they reached home, they testified to people in their village of what Jesus had done.  Because of the testimony, people have begun calling me to come to their village and share with them about Jesus Christ and His saving grace.  I am thanking God for Patrick and his mother and father’s salvation and that many in their village are now receiving the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.
On this note, I want to appreciate Momma Mary for allowing God to use her to be a channel in causing change and saving the life of this boy and many other Africans.   I also want to appreciate some very special friends of “For the Love of Africa Ministries” for their endless support when such challenges arise in Africa and for always allowing themselves to be used by God to provide the necessary money to meet hospital bills, surgery, feeding, and transport.
Of course, I do not want to forget everyone who has stood for this boy and “For the Love of Africa Ministries.  May God bless each of you.
You may not manage to reach these people in Africa physically, but I want to challenge each one of you TO DO SOMETHING, EITHER BY PRAYER OR FINANCIAL SUPPORT, THROUGH “FOR THE LOVE OF AFRICA MINISTRIES.”

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Our Mission Trip Experience with Momma Mary

We want to share with you this testimony that we experienced when Momma Mary came to Uganda, Africa in July 2013.

WE BEGIN with thanking God who gave her a compassionate heart, her vision for Africa, and the journey mercies she received to come to Uganda. She reached here on 30th June 2013. We kindly welcomed her with great pleasure.
We also thank all of you who are standing behind this noble cause, the church pastor (Pastor Gary), the leaders, and all church members for the great work you have done in training Momma to grow in knowing God. You have made her to realize her hidden potential, have helped her to discover her abilities, and have caused her to see her assignment from God, which in this case, is being a voice for Africans. God bless you so much.
One thing that was interesting to us is that when she reached here, she told us that she has smelled our air daily in America and her heart has been here with us in Africa. She later said that Uganda is her second home and we were more loved by her as she associated with everyone whom she met. There is something that I noted during her stay. Women were telling us that we have never seen a white woman who is free to associate with us like this one.
Our market places are dirty and very crowded, but we thank God who gave Momma a heart of withstanding all this. She moved into these market places buying clothes, etc. for the children. Momma, thank you for being humble and for allowing God to use you in all circumstances.
From the time she came, she was staying in the children home. She spent much time interacting with the children and they liked her as their grandmother. They could play and sing for her.  She even looked after them when they were sick, mostly Comfort and Ronald.
LET ME QUOTE WORDS FROM COMFORT. She says, “Jaja  omuzungu njagala kubela naye bulikasela” meaning “Our white  grandmother, I want always to be with her playing, singing, and sleeping with her.”
Until now the children still share their experiences about Momma Mary and four times since she has returned to America, they have refused to go to sleep, wanting to see her and to talk to her. SHE IS A BIG BLESSING TO THEM AND YOU WHO SUPPORT THESE CHILDREN ARE A BIG BLESSING ALSO. GOD BLESS YOU MIGHTILY!!!
She was accepted by my African parents and relatives. She associated with them and worked hard with them during my introduction and wedding. Due to African culture, weddings and introduction ceremonies here in Africa are very demanding and busy, as they take much time and preparation.  Momma Mary stood all these pressures and challenges, moving up and down, rode boda bodas (African motorcycles), and carrying on with things to make sure that the wedding was a success. Indeed, it was a wonderful wedding. GOD BLESS YOU VERY MUCH FOR THIS.
Apart from having time with children we did a number of other activities. The first week we went to MASIINDI, a remote district in Uganda, to number of churches I oversee which has many people staying on this land. This land is fertile, but they only have one water source which is a small well, so these people suffer a lot when it’s the dry season. One time I went there and we didn’t have water for bathing. It took them 5 hours to move to the well and come back, because they found a big line of people fetching water. We keep praying and believing with them for more water wells.
I was touched by the way they welcomed Momma Mary. When we reached near the compound of the church, many women and some men came carrying tree branches, along with some of their local musical instruments. They came to greet us with singing and rejoicing. (You need also to come and we can go there together. That’s when you can understand it very well.)
I preached in two powerful crusades in which about five hundred people attended with the evidence of miracles, cures, wonders, and deliverances.  Also, we held two days of conferences with 10 to 20 pastors, along with many people who attended each day. We taught about biblical family planning, budgeting and finances, giving and tithing, nutrition, and marriage and relationships. People had a number of questions and by God’s grace and guidance, we were able to help them understand and grow in God.
We also had a session on gardening where Momma Mary gave the farmers a number of seeds for growing crops they could sell and also to improve their diet. She taught them how to plant, grow, and harvest the crops they would be producing.
Recent News:
Recently, I had another great meeting in West Nile place called Paidha, in the western part of northern Uganda. Five pastors from Masindi found us in this place for two reasons:  to appreciate and give a report of the conference and crusade we held in their land and to also attend and be blessed more in the meetings I was conducting in this place.
The local government and the police in this area recommended the work we are doing there. I came know that they came around within the congregation and they sent a massage through Pastor Isaac that what we doing there is what their people are lacking and as a government they could not afford to do it.
Others also spoke, but these two testimonies touched me so much. I came to realize that God HAS ORDAINED THIS WORK that we are doing. It is not in vain!!! I have an encouragement to you who have been supporting the work “For the Love of Africa Ministries” is doing. You are investing in a fertile ground, there is fruit, and if you have not seen it, begin to look for it. For those of you who have been supporting “For the Love of Africa Ministries,” God is about to bless and reward you. I encourage you to do more!!!
Another interesting report came from Kibale, Denavensi’s village, where we conducted a crusade, a conference, and also held a medical mission in which 383 patients were seen. Pastor Rosemary of this village tells us that our program, preaching, and information about the medical mission were put on the radio. She says people traveled over 35 kilometers to come and many people started coming two days before we arrived. They thank God and appreciate the work we did in this place, as the people were blessed so much.
We held a conference and a medical mission in Kampala at the church where I pastor. I had not seen Momma Mary preaching like how she preached this time in our church, because the Spirit of God used her mightily. She gave us words of wisdom and encouragement. Our church members like this!
We had an afternoon session in which Momma Mary taught on budgeting and finances. She also talked about budgeting our time. I can also testify that this teaching has helped members of the church to grow. It has also blessed me personally in implementing many other activities and even the vision of “For the Love of Africa Ministries” here on the ground. Having our main church in Kampala and still renting, the bills and expenses are very, very high on a monthly basis, so it was hard for the church to manage. But because we were challenged by Momma Mary’s teaching, we have since that time seen a big improvement in handling our expenses and bills.
We have a big slum surrounding the church and during the trip time we visited the slum and found a big need to transform this land through improving their water system, health, hygiene, etc. Please pray for this area, that God would use Momma Mary to help bring change here.
Any kind of support you give is a big blessing and impacts Africa immensely.
As I finish this experience, I want us to stay focused on one thing at a time and one day at time. Our God reigns!!!  To Him be all glory, honor, and power.
Yours in Christ service
Dr. Gilbert Birungi

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Magidu--Another Testimony

Praise God!!!  I am sure you have all heard about MAGIDU’S story from our prior blog articles (March 17th, May 12th, and June 11, 2013) and what GOD has done for him.  His life was saved from death through your endless support, which has now also led to the salvation of Magidu, his mother, and two other people in their village.

Out of prayer and believing, we felt we should not stop by only providing medical support, but also help in shaping the future of this young boy. This boy had stopped studying last year because his mother could not afford the cost of education. Then, when he fell into the ditch, they thought his life was gone.  But the God we serve has good plans for everyone and through His everlasting mercy, He has delivered this boy.
Not only this, but on 9/17/2013, we brought this young boy into Mercy House Children’s Home. When he came, immediately he began crying.  We did not know why he was crying, but later we found him excited and playing with the other children in our home.  For these days he has been here, I have watched his life.  He is a happy boy and the other children, but especially RONALD, is very happy because he has gotten another boy to play with.

I remember when I first shared with Momma Mary about this boy when I had just finished doing a medical clinic in the village where I found him, Momma Mary said that GOD told her that HE KNOWS THIS BOY, and that this boy is a king and a priest unto Him, which I am seeing coming to pass and I believe it.
We believe that this boy deserves parental care and love, and also needs our support in all ways to attain an education and to shape him into a GOD FEARING servant.

More appreciation to all of you who have stood with us in supporting this boy and his family!!!
Here he is with Ronald at children’s home. 
Dr. Gilbert
Kampala Uganda, Africa
On behalf of For the Love of Africa Ministries

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Mission Trip 2013

I am so very thankful to the Lord this year’s mission trip was such a huge success!!!  This is the 3rd time I have gone to Uganda, Africa in less than 3 years and each time I go, I seem to become more attached and develop a deeper love for my fellow Africans!!! Above all, I love my fellow African brother’s and sister’s hunger and zeal for the Lord!!!    

I was sooooo very blessed by the respect, love, care, and concern that my African brothers and sisters in Christ had for my well-being and safety!!  A few of my sons were VERY protective of their Momma!!!  (Dr. Gilbert, Alex, Sam, and Elia should know all about that!!!)  I teased them that even my own children are not THAT protective of me!!! 

We saw over 200 patients at a medical mission we held at Devine Mercy Medical Clinic in Kampala.  This is the same medical clinic we built from the ground up.  It has been of great service to the community and has seen 971 patients, since it opened its doors this past February.  Thank you, Jesus!!! 

Momma Mary & Dr. Gilbert outside Devine Mercy Medical Clinic

Speaking to patients at  Devine Mercy Clinic medical mission
I was so very excited to have the privilege to visit Mercy Junior School that we started several months ago!!  It was really neat to meet the children in person and to see how much they are progressing!!  Pastor Michael is doing a fabulous job of acting as administrator over the school and the teachers are doing a super job of helping to give the children a good education.  Because God provided the finances, we were able to purchase children's tables and chairs and also a badly needed computer printer, so it was really neat to see it all first hand.  

Momma Mary passing out candy at Mercy Junior School!
Children during quiet time at Mercy Junior School

While I was in Uganda, Dr. Gilbert and Isaac took me into the village located behind Mercy House of God Church, where Dr. Gilbert pastors.  What I saw was unbelievable!!!  There are about 10,000 people who live in this VERY POOR slum village.  Besides the EXTREME poverty, the running water there flows out of 2 PVC pipes into an open stream, causing it to be a breeding ground for mosquitos, which become infected with malaria, typhoid and other deadly diseases.  This particular village has had many deaths due to these dreadful diseases.  God has burdened my heart for this area!!!  We are checking into what can be done to rectify the water contamination problem and are  praying and believing God that we will be able to make a difference in this village. 
Walkways are very tight and narrow in this village of 10,000 people!!

 Living conditions here are very poor!!!!

This is a normal scene in this area!!!  This area needs our help!!!

Momma Mary & Dr. Gilbert outside slum area!!
During the first week I was there, we went to a village called Macindi, where we held teaching conferences on Nutrition(Special thanks to Julie for making the banner), Marriage & Family, Family Planning, and Budgeting & Finance.  My fellow African brothers and sisters there were to be very open, eager to learn, and asked many questions during the question and answer sessions.  During the nutrition portion of the conference, we passed out garden seeds I brought from America and actually took the farmers out to a plot of land and showed them how to plant the seeds and grow/harvest the crops! I am VERY anxious to learn of their adventures in growing some of the fruits and vegetables that are also favorites here in America. Also, I loved the musical instruments (see picture below) that some of our young fellow Africans made in Macindi, that they use during praise and worship!!!  Before we left there, they held a parade for us and I was gifted with a live chicken!!!

 Momma Mary sharing on importance of Nutrition!

Dr. Gilbert sharing on Family Planning
Dr. Gilbert & Momma Mary answering questions during Budgeting/Finance

Momma Mary giving instruction on growing fruits and vegetables
 Africans using musical instruments they made for praise & worship
Parade held in Macindi where I was gifted with a live chicken

Also, Dr. Gilbert preached 2 very powerful crusades in Macindi, where there were over 500 people were in attendance.  Much transformation took place and there were multiple testimonies of people who were healed, delivered, and set free!!!  Two ladies, in particular, were delivered from demons.  It was during these crusades that I came to more of a realization that my son is a fiery young preacher!!!!
Outdoor Crusade in Macindi
Dr. Gilbert preaching at Outdoor Crusade

During the 2nd week, we went to back to Denavensi’s (the girl whose life we saved in 2012 and the first child we took into our Mercy House Children’s Home) village in Kyakabadiima, in the district of Kibale, to hold a medical mission and to teach and preach the gospel.  There were over 200 people who had come from the area surrounding Kyakabadiima, who had waited overnight for us to begin the medical mission the next morning.  During the medical mission we saw 383 patients, of which 70 were dental patients.  There were a great number of patients we were not able to see because of the time restraint and budget. 
Momma Mary preaching at Kyakabadiima
Patients waiting to be seen at medical mission  at Kyakabadiima

 Patients waiting to be seen at medical mission

Patients picking up their prescriptions at medical mission
Man seen at dental clinic at Kyakabadiima

Another of my fiery preacher sons, Elia, preached the evening crusade in that same village, with people getting saved, healed and delivered.  One woman who had come to the teaching during the day had a severe eye problem as she would constantly have her hand covering her one eye, as if in a lot of pain.  Elia laid hands on her, her eye opened, and she stated that she could now see out of that eye.  We give God all the glory, honor, and praise!!!

Elia preaching at the crusade in Kyakadabiima

Also, while I was in Kyakabadiima, I met Denavensi’s grandmother and their family.  Because of our saving Denavensi’s life, they blessed me with the gift of a live goat, millet flour, Irish potatoes, and cassava.  I was very honored by their generosity, acceptance, and kindness shown towards me!!! They are very poor, yet blessed me beyond measure!!!  I KNOW that God honored it and will bless them back in multiple ways, as no one can ever out-give God!!!
Momma Mary being gifted with goat, etc. by Denavensi's Grandmother & family
I spent some very good time bonding with the children at the children’s home we started in October 2012!!!  I was sooooo blessed by how well they are progressing, as Dr. Gilbert has done a very excellent job with them!!!  They are very kind, polite, respectful, not demanding, and the best thing is that they love Jesus!!!  I feel that God has so blessed me with getting to build a friendship with them and I look forward to it growing!!! Grandma Mary loves you Denavensi, Comfort, Doreen, and Ronald!!!! 
Momma Mary blessing the children with gifts!!!
Momma Mary with Doreen, Denavensi, Comfort, and Ronald

Also, I was very impressed by Nora, the very hardworking caretaker at the children’s home!!  She works tirelessly to make sure all ends are running smoothly!!!  She and I worked well together doing dishes!!!  Hats off to you, Nora!!!  You are a God-send and a blessing to the children’s home!!!  Dorovico, one of our sponsored young men, also worked soooo very hard to help out on all ends and has such a servant’s heart!!!  I have seen such progress in him since I came to know him.  It was soooo very good to get to meet him in person and work on building a friendship with him!!!

You will have to ask Dr. Gilbert and Alex about my boda boda (African motorcycle) rides!!!  Too bad we do not have pictures!!!  LOL!!! It was quite something else and I am ready to go again!!!!

One of the greatest highlights of the trip was seeing and being part of Dr. Gilbert & Dr. Cissy’s introduction ceremony and wedding!!!  This was my first African introduction ceremony and wedding and it was surely something to remember!!!  I even got to wear African attire to the introduction ceremony!!  Dr. Gilbert (and his family) & Dr. Cissy did an excellent job of making me feel like family and a part of their very special day!!!  Congrats Dr. Gilbert & Dr. Cissy!!!  I love you both!!!  May you always be as happy as you are today!!!
Dr. Gilbert & Dr. Cissy with their families at wedding

My leaving to come back to America was a real "tear jerker"!!  I had to make Alex, Sam, & Elia promise we would sing praise and worship songs all the way back to the airport, so I could re-focus and gather my composure and wit!!!  We did and it has become a very special memory for me!!!  I can so see that the love Christ puts in us for each other, NO MATTER THE DISTANCE, is real, viable, and alive!!!  

Each time I go, I go to be a blessing, but I feel that I am truly the one who comes home so very blessed, as EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM have enriched my life in sooooo very many ways!!!

Until we meet again, I love and miss you, Africa!!!

His servant,

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


We are VERY excited to announce the newest venture that we felt the Lord wanted us to undertake and that is the opening of a school in Uganda!!  Dr. Gilbert and I both felt that we were supposed to open the school before we enlarged the children’s home, but were unable to do so because of the funding.  Funniest thing is that the school really did start on its own (by divine intervention) before we actually enlarged the children’s home!!!  I had to chuckle when Dr. Gilbert told me in the early part of February 2013, that one week 5 children showed up for school (even though we did not have an  official school yet at that point), the following week 5 more children came, and the week after that 10 more children came.  God did NOT need our help to start the school!!! He started it on His own!!  LOL!! 

We chose to limit the children to that number until God provided the finances for it.  The children have continued to meet Monday through Friday on a daily basis for the past 3 months, along with a teacher who had donated their time. 


We are beginning with 25 children, along with about 40 nursery age children.  Please keep us in your prayers, as we move forward into the vision that God has called us to!!!

Below are some pictures of the children at school and also an article from Pastor Michael Byonanebye, the administrator of the school.  

God Bless,

Mercy Junior School is one of the projects of Mercy House Of God Church which aims at fulfilling the vision of this ministry- ministering mercy to those that are in need. (Heb 4:16)

Mercy Junior School aims at helping the children that are in great need of basic education and have no one to provide it to them. These are the children who have lost all their parents and some have their parents but are unable to provide this education.

Research shows that 90% of most Ugandans at one level of their education need an assistance to be able to fully complete all their education successfully. Most of the parents don’t have that potential to educate all their children through all levels of education till they have fully qualified. 

Mercy Junior School is not just aiming at providing this basic education to the needy children, but to build a strong foundation for these children to know God and to trust Him for every thing they need in life. We believe that only if these children would be directed to their Father in Heaven, then their lives would succeed in everything. 

 Mercy House of God Church is located in the city slum area where all people who are living at a low standard are found. Accommodation in the city of Kampala is very expensive and very few people can afford it. You therefore find very many people staying in a very small place and as a result, this the most notorious place in the whole of Uganda and very many people fear to stay there or even pass through there.

This city slum is called Katanga. It records the highest criminal cases in Uganda and all evil is done in this place. One can best describe it as Sodom and Gomorrah of Uganda. This is a place where God has called us to minister and we believe that He has a good plan for this area and the people staying there.

We therefore aim at helping these children that are growing in such an environment to see another picture of life compared to what they have grown up seeing. It is very hard for these kids to grow up with prostitutes, thieves, thugs, kidnapers, drinkers, drug addicts, homosexuals, lesbians, idlers, and so many badly behaved people and they don’t end up the same.

Many children that grow up in this place end up as street children because of child neglect, child abuse and many other unfavorable circumstances. 

To minister mercy to children who need basic education but can not afford it.

“With God’s mercy, we succeed. “

To build a strong Christian foundation for the children through providing basic education and grounding them in the word of God. 

1.       To provide basic education to the children through teaching them.
2.       To ground the children in the word of God to grow up knowing God
3.       To help the parents of these children to grow up in spiritual maturity.
4.       To separate the children from the evil environment.
5.       To solicit for support of these children to be able to access basic education.

The school is still using the church facility as the class rooms for the kindergarten that we have started with so far. We are hoping that as God blesses this project, we will be able to expand this school and add other primary classes from primary one up to primary seven. 
The school is supported by the members, friends, and partners of Mercy House Of God. There is great need for more support because a lot is needed to be done. 

“A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.” Mathew 2:18

We are the Rachel, refusing to be comforted when the little innocent children of God are perishing around us.

Pr Byonanebye Michael
Mercy Junior School
Kampala Uganda