Tuesday, June 18, 2013


We are VERY excited to announce the newest venture that we felt the Lord wanted us to undertake and that is the opening of a school in Uganda!!  Dr. Gilbert and I both felt that we were supposed to open the school before we enlarged the children’s home, but were unable to do so because of the funding.  Funniest thing is that the school really did start on its own (by divine intervention) before we actually enlarged the children’s home!!!  I had to chuckle when Dr. Gilbert told me in the early part of February 2013, that one week 5 children showed up for school (even though we did not have an  official school yet at that point), the following week 5 more children came, and the week after that 10 more children came.  God did NOT need our help to start the school!!! He started it on His own!!  LOL!! 

We chose to limit the children to that number until God provided the finances for it.  The children have continued to meet Monday through Friday on a daily basis for the past 3 months, along with a teacher who had donated their time. 


We are beginning with 25 children, along with about 40 nursery age children.  Please keep us in your prayers, as we move forward into the vision that God has called us to!!!

Below are some pictures of the children at school and also an article from Pastor Michael Byonanebye, the administrator of the school.  

God Bless,

Mercy Junior School is one of the projects of Mercy House Of God Church which aims at fulfilling the vision of this ministry- ministering mercy to those that are in need. (Heb 4:16)

Mercy Junior School aims at helping the children that are in great need of basic education and have no one to provide it to them. These are the children who have lost all their parents and some have their parents but are unable to provide this education.

Research shows that 90% of most Ugandans at one level of their education need an assistance to be able to fully complete all their education successfully. Most of the parents don’t have that potential to educate all their children through all levels of education till they have fully qualified. 

Mercy Junior School is not just aiming at providing this basic education to the needy children, but to build a strong foundation for these children to know God and to trust Him for every thing they need in life. We believe that only if these children would be directed to their Father in Heaven, then their lives would succeed in everything. 

 Mercy House of God Church is located in the city slum area where all people who are living at a low standard are found. Accommodation in the city of Kampala is very expensive and very few people can afford it. You therefore find very many people staying in a very small place and as a result, this the most notorious place in the whole of Uganda and very many people fear to stay there or even pass through there.

This city slum is called Katanga. It records the highest criminal cases in Uganda and all evil is done in this place. One can best describe it as Sodom and Gomorrah of Uganda. This is a place where God has called us to minister and we believe that He has a good plan for this area and the people staying there.

We therefore aim at helping these children that are growing in such an environment to see another picture of life compared to what they have grown up seeing. It is very hard for these kids to grow up with prostitutes, thieves, thugs, kidnapers, drinkers, drug addicts, homosexuals, lesbians, idlers, and so many badly behaved people and they don’t end up the same.

Many children that grow up in this place end up as street children because of child neglect, child abuse and many other unfavorable circumstances. 

To minister mercy to children who need basic education but can not afford it.

“With God’s mercy, we succeed. “

To build a strong Christian foundation for the children through providing basic education and grounding them in the word of God. 

1.       To provide basic education to the children through teaching them.
2.       To ground the children in the word of God to grow up knowing God
3.       To help the parents of these children to grow up in spiritual maturity.
4.       To separate the children from the evil environment.
5.       To solicit for support of these children to be able to access basic education.

The school is still using the church facility as the class rooms for the kindergarten that we have started with so far. We are hoping that as God blesses this project, we will be able to expand this school and add other primary classes from primary one up to primary seven. 
The school is supported by the members, friends, and partners of Mercy House Of God. There is great need for more support because a lot is needed to be done. 

“A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.” Mathew 2:18

We are the Rachel, refusing to be comforted when the little innocent children of God are perishing around us.

Pr Byonanebye Michael
Mercy Junior School
Kampala Uganda

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Magidu--God's Miracle Working Power

Hello everyone!!  First of all, Dr. Gilbert and I want to thank you for continuing to pray and for your continued support and giving for Magidu and his family!!  As you know, Magidu went home from the hospital several weeks ago and has been healing and recovering very quickly.  Dr. Gilbert has been in good communication with Magidu's mother regarding his progress. 

Dr. Gilbert felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to go see Magidu and his mother in the village last week.  (God loves that kind of obedience!!!)  He took some food for the family and also took a mattress for Magidu, so that he would be able to heal better and help bring some much needed relief to those hips of his.

While Dr. Gilbert was in the village, he skyped me to show me that MAGIDU CAN INDEED WALK, AND EVEN WITHOUT CRUTCHES!!!! WHAT A MIRACLE!!!  THANK YOU JESUS!!!!  He has a minor place that needs to heal yet, BUT Dr. Gilbert treated it and left meds, etc. with Magidu's mother, with instructions on how to care for it.

The GREATER MIRACLE IN ALL IN THIS IS THAT MAGIDU, HIS MOTHER, AND 2 OTHER PEOPLE IN THEIR VILLAGE GAVE THEIR LIVES TO CHRIST THAT DAY!!!!!  The Holy Spirit came on me as we were skyping that morning and I began preaching the gospel to them and after Dr. Gilbert and I disconnected, he took over and brought them to the wells of salvation.  Then to top it off, Mum Mitzi from Texas sent a care package, along with a letter to Magidu and his family (which Dr. Gilbert read to them), which re-emphasized everything Dr. Gilbert and I were saying!!  I LOVE IT WHEN THE HOLY SPIRIT SHOWS UP AND THERE IS FRUIT!!!  I have NEVER seen smiles on either Magidu or his mother’s face, but look at the joy both of them have, after receiving Christ as their Lord and Savior!!!

 Magidu opening his gift

 Magidu (back row center), his mother, and brothers and sisters

Dr. Gilbert and Magidu
Dr. Gilbert has followed up with the pastor in the village to help mentor them and help them to grow in Christ!!!  We will be following up with them and also they will be coming back to Kampala on June 25th for Magidu's follow up medical appointment.   

Thank you again for being such a blessing to Magidu, his mother, and their family!!!  Just think....you will get a reward in heaven for your giving, praying, and believing for them!!!  The evidence is in the fruit!!!

As I ponder on the events that have taken place over the past few months with Magidu, his mother, and brothers and sisters, I am reminded of these 2 scriptures:

 Mark 6:30-44 Jesus feeding the 5,000.  First, He had compassion on them and fed them (He met their needs), then He earned the right to preach the gospel to them.

 Acts 10:38 God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power and he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with Him!!! 

EVERY LIFE IS WORTH SAVING (BOTH PHYSICALLY AND SPIRITUALLY) AND BRINGING THEM INTO A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST!!!  The two examples above are exactly what God has used in Magidu, his mother, and his brother’s and sister’s lives to accomplish and bring healing and salvation.  THE FRUIT IS THE EVIDENCE THAT GOD IS WITH US IN WHAT WE ARE DOING IN THIS MINISTRY FOR HIS HONOR AND GLORY!!!

Please continue to pray as we seek God's face as to how we can help them!  Magidu's mother is a widow with no income and she has 5 children.  Two of the children are older than Magidu and 2 are younger.  She used to run a little business selling 2nd hand clothing, but has been unable to continue because she used up all her capital to keep her family alive.  Because of all the circumstance in her life, she has not been able to earn an income, feed her family, and has been no longer able to send her children to school. 

Thank you again for your love for Magidu, his mother, and his brothers and sisters!!!!! 

Your servant in Christ