Monday, May 9, 2016

2016 Spring Edition Newsletter

For the Love of Africa Ministries, Inc.
Spring 2016 Edition

From the President’s Desk
By: Mary Linette, USA Team

I bring you greetings from all of our dear friends in Uganda, Africa!!! I see that each time I travel, the people there feel more connected to you. They ask questions about you and your families, your life in America, and about things that are important to you. They ask about you and then in turn, I tell you about them! Both sides win!

While in Uganda, I spent the first 3 ½ months trying to get our FOLA cargo shipment of goods released from the Ugandan government. Since a lot of my personal belongings were in that shipment, I found myself literally “living out of my three suitcases” at our Children’s Home for those months. It is in these circumstances that you find you can live on very little!! Dr. Gilbert, Cissy, and the whole Children’s Home crew did a very excellent job of taking care of me.

I was in Uganda for a total of 5 ½ months, but had to cut my stay short to come back to the USA for a medical emergency in my family. God had taught me many years ago "what good is it if you save the whole world and yet lose your family." God created the family unit at the time of creation in Genesis 2:24 and hopefully our lives will end here on earth in the presence of our family and loved ones.

I found being “on the ground” in Uganda to be very valuable and necessary in bringing sustainability to our FOLA work. 1) We were able get our shipment released. 2) Updated our policy and procedures and made improvements on the FOLA Uganda side where needed. 3) Added, implemented procedures, and trained two new FOLA Uganda staff members to help ease the load Dr. Gilbert and Cissy have carried in FOLA. 5) Learned the importance of balancing my travel time between USA and Africa.

Ministry Updates:

We are so very thankful to the Lord for the shipment of supplies that were donated to FOLA. It left Indianapolis, IN on May 10, 2015 and arrived in Uganda, Africa on July 10, 2015. From that date and until when it was finally released by the Ugandan government on January 8, 2016, Dr. Gilbert, Pastor Isaac, and I spent more time and effort on getting it released than we care to remember. The requirements to clear the shipment changed, without notice, at any given moment. Each day I was promised that it would be cleared and released “that day” and each day it did not happen. But God created a miracle and we truly saw His hand of deliverance. They did actually get tired of “seeing” the mzungu (white) woman in their offices day in and day out.

Included in the shipment were many office and school supplies for our Mercy Junior School. Children’s clothes, shoes, and toys were also included in the shipment, along with many kitchen, bathroom, and baby items, baby cribs, baby clothes, baby bottles, diapers, and wipes for the Children's Home.

My whole apartment set up was also included in the shipment. What a blessing it all was!!! Thank you, Pastor Pam, and all those who gave towards it.

The sheer excitement at the Children's Home when the shipment was finally released was awesome and made it all worth it. The children and caretakers loved their new bunk beds, mattresses, sheets, blankets, pillows, and towels, etc. They jumped up and down in wild jubilation, as they never had anything like that before!!!

By: Dr. Gilbert Birungi, Africa Team

Momma Mary spent almost 6 months in Uganda, Africa this time. Since she stayed long, she had more new experiences. We thank God for the compassionate heart He gave her and how He helped her endure all living conditions here in Africa. Unfortunately, she had to go home though when we still needed her, but we know and are thankful that she will return.

During her stay, we were able to work hard with the Ugandan government to release the container that FOLA donated to the Children’s Home and Mercy Junior School. While Momma was here she enjoyed African food, participated in digging in the garden, and also cooking Africa style. Many people had fun with her. A group of women from church had a fantastic time with her when she arrived. One of the interesting things they did was to give her an African name called “Kwagala” which means LOVE.

While she was here, we were able to do four medical missions in different remote villages, where over 2,500 people were given free treatment. Also, numerous medical surgeries have been done. We urgently need to build a non-profit medical clinic. This clinic can grow into a hospital.

I cannot forget talking about Momma Mary being a friend to many children. By the time she left, whenever she would pass along the road, all the children would start singing “Momma Mary, Momma Mary” and begin waving to her. Sometimes, she would even give them candy.

We are still believing to achieve all the projects FOLA is involved in, such as the projects at Mercy Junior School and the Children's Home. To help reduce food costs, we are believing God for farmland that we could purchase to plant food for the school and Children's Home. (Please see the article at the end of this newsletter for ways you can help us purchase the needed farmland.) 


We are very excited to announce that we added several FOLA Uganda staff members to our team. Isaac Nyanzi, whom I have known for about three years, was added as our new Sponsorship Director. He is very faithful, has a servant’s heart, and a great love for FOLA.

Also, we have added Robert Wafula as our new FOLA Uganda Administrator. He will assist Dr. Gilbert and Cissy in overseeing our work in Uganda. He is a dedicated and submissive young man, who does an excellent job of carrying out FOLA’S vision.

This year Mercy Junior School began another grade (Primary Five), which meets in our church, as we have already outgrown our school. Our major need this year is construction of a permanent building which would include more classrooms, a library, dining hall, and an indoor kitchen. In Uganda our  schools educate Kindergarten through Primary Seven (7th grade), so each year our children move up another grade. Since we added another class, we are lacking a classroom where to study from. Our school has grown from 140 students to 170 students, which means we have added a new teacher and have increased monthly expenses.

We are so blessed for the tremendous work that FOLA has done for the past three years here in Uganda. I want to extend my heartfelt appreciations to all people who have supported us through FOLA by giving donations, sponsoring children, giving to water projects, and supporting medical surgeries and medical missions. You are a big blessing to us. We love you so much. Together, we can make a difference!

Dr. Gilbert Birungi

Mercy House Children's Home
By: Mary Linette, USA Team

Our Children’s Home is a very busy place. From early morning until late at night, it is buzzing with lots of activity. There is a lot of manual labor to be done included digging on the land, lots of laundry and housework, and many meals to prepare. Dorovico, David, and Norah do an excellent job of seeing that all things run smoothly.

In early morning hours, you may find Dorovico and David digging up the garden soil by hand and planting seedlings, while you can find Norah and Denavensi scrubbing the floors or preparing food. Of course, preparing food in Uganda is not at all like preparing food here in the USA…no microwaves, fast food or already prepared meals purchased at the grocery store. All foods are prepared from scratch and take countless hours to prepare, as much of it is prepared out over an open fire and/or on a single gas tank burner. They eat very basic things as rice and beans, cassava, posha, Irish potatoes and possibly a vegetable or fruit.

The children are very well behaved and get along very well together. Some evenings, you might find them out in the back yard praying together or a couple of them beating on make-shift drums and singing and dancing to Christian praise and worship songs. They are such an inspiration to me!!

The children all have chores to do such as cleaning their rooms, washing dishes, sweeping, cleaning up the yard, and washing their own clothes. They love to play games! I taught them to play Chinese checkers (they beat me about every time), along with some other games, but probably the most favorite is when we play Duck, Duck, Goose. They seem to go wild playing this game and play it with much diligence and wild enthusiasm.

They all do well and study hard in school. At least 3 or 4 of them this past school year received awards for their excellence. They have large goals such as becoming pastors, doctors, teachers, and lawyers. One even wants to become an airplane pilot!

I think back to October 2012 when we began the Children’s Home with 10 year old Denavensi and it makes me get a huge smile on my face, as I see how far we have come. God has been so faithful to us! Our children are growing up very fast and I thank God that they are very obedient, hard working, and responsible young people.

I noticed that when I got ready to come back to the USA this time that they did not cry. They know Grandma Mary will be back....and they know when she comes back, she will bring them candy!  :)


Medical Missions
Dr. Cissy Birungi, Africa Team

~Robert’s Cry to Live~

Robert-very frail and malnourished
I had heard about little 5 year old Robert for some time before actually getting time to go see him. I was getting updates on him and knew that he had a reputable organization taking care of him, so my conscience was comfortable. I was also sending some charitable materials to him and his mother. When I finally went to see him after the operation, I realized that the Doctors had removed his right leg up to the hip. What I saw was a horrid picture of a tiny very malnourished little boy, with a foul smell around his bed.

I had gone to the hospital to take some pictures and bring them back to Momma Mary and the FOLA African team, but for any reasonable intervention to be done, I decided that some pictures are best taken by the human eye and stored in the photo gallery of the human brain. So I arranged a day and took Momma Mary and Dr. Gilbert there to see him. They were also shocked and deeply touched by the boy’s situation. It was at this time that FOLA became involved and started the process of saving this boy’s life.

On December 23, 2015, the boy was discharged from the main hospital and we took him to another hospital, where better medical care could be offered to him. In a span of a week, his condition greatly improved and he was even able to smile. We knew it was the best Christmas gift anyone could give him! He had to go through theatre (surgery) procedures a few times under anesthesia to explore the whole system, remove puss pockets, and rule out infection in his abdomen.

In the first week of January 2016, he was transferred to a rehabilitation centre in Entebbe, Uganda where he continued to be managed by a multi-disciplinary team of medical doctors, nurses, nutritionists, physiotherapists, and plastic surgeons, etc.

Robert’s mother is so very grateful to FOLA for helping restore her son to life!

Momma Mary, Dr. Gilbert, and I went to see him several times while he was there. During one of our trips there, little Robert was struggling with learning to stand on his one good leg, because he had not stood on it for over 6 months. Momma Mary got down by him and kept telling him over and over again that he could make it…that he could get better and stronger for “Momma Mary and Jesus.” By the time she was done encouraging him, he was saying over and over, “Get better for Momma Mary and Jesus. Get muscles for Momma Mary and Jesus.” Now every time Momma Mary sees him, he says, “Get better for Momma Mary and Jesus.” He is now very happy and able to move on crutches. The future plan is for him to be given an artificial leg, but that cannot be for a long while, because his body will need to continue to grow.

The father has been put in jail for his part in injecting adult strength medicine in Robert’s legs, which is what has caused him to lose his one leg. Through this 8 month ordeal the mother has lost everything she had. The only belongings they have fit into about a 50 lb feed sack. FOLA is working to try to help get them standing on their feet by helping to pay their house rent for the first few months, help them buy a few belongings, and help establish a small business for them, so they can earn an income.

Mercy Junior School
By: Pastor Robert Wafula, Africa Team

~Meet Halima~

Halima was born on November 4, 2005. She is 11 years old and is in Primary Five class at Mercy Junior School. In the early days of this girl’s life, her plight was succumbed by deadly situations which were too much to bear. This is compounded by the fact that she was rejected by her biological parents at the age of 3 and later was adopted by her old and helpless grandmother. The hardest hit was when the girl was infested by jiggers all over her feet and hands. Because of the grandmother’s poverty, Halima did not receive any medical intervention, thus leaving the child in a highly vulnerable situation.

From the time FOLA began their Relief Program in Uganda, Halima has been profoundly affected. God was still preserving her life although those were very difficult days both for her and the grandmother, who has now passed away. Halima has now become an open book for the community to read, especially to those people who saw her in her initial stages. The following are facts regarding FOLA’s efforts and the Relief Program toward this child: 1) The child had no hope for education outside of FOLA. 2) She is now meeting all the school requirements and dues. 3) Has at least three meals of food per day. 4) The child’s health has been steadily improving. 5) No more tropical illnesses and diseases are her portion. 6) She has a better shelter to lean on. 7) Because of her achievements, she now has hope for a better future.

Conclusively, never would anyone ever imagine the changes in Halima’s life. Her life had been ruined and with no hope, her eyes closed to the other side. It’s my appeal to everyone who comes across this message to partner with FOLA in prayer and financially, thus giving children the opportunity to get an education in Africa.

By: Mary Linette; USA Team

With your continuous support, these programs can continue to grow. In 2016, our goals are as follows:
  • Build Mercy Junior School up to Primary 7.
  • Expand Mercy House Children’s Home to take in additional orphans.
  • Increase traveling Medical Missions and move towards having a pharmacy and medical clinic.
  • Expand our farming initiatives to provide food and income for our school and Children’s Home.
  • Start Micro Finance to help lift families out of poverty.
How to Help
If you would like more information on our programs, request a meeting or presentation, or if you would like to become part of our USA Team, please feel free to email us or call us at 812-430-6048. We would love to share with you!

Canaan Farm Project”

Did you know FOLA currently farms 2 acres of land in Masindi to assist in supporting Mercy House Children’s Home? Not only that, but in Masindi we already have 6 pigs and 4 goats! We have been given a prime opportunity to expand our “Canaan Farm Project.” There are three phases to the project. Phase One is to purchase 20 acres of farmland. Masindi has very fertile soil, which will allow us to grow staple crops such as beans, cassava, and maze (corn), etc.

Phase Two of our goal is to build a storage building to store our grain and supplies. We also want to add an additional room to house the farm manager and a laborer. Phase Two buildings will be built on the 20 acres we want to purchase. With this project, we anticipate providing an additional five laborers with jobs. They will assist in the daily operation of the farm. We look to add additional animals to the farm as a meat source for Mercy House Children’s Home and Mercy Junior School. The manure from the animals would be used as fertilizer for the fields. Phase Three is to add a fish pond, so we can raise tilapia for consumption and also for selling purposes.

By growing animals and from the crops produced, we estimate that we will be able to reduce the cost of food for our Mercy Junior School by approximately 70-80%. This is comparable to $3,780 in savings per year for our 170 students. Growing these crops would also significantly reduce the cost of food at our Children’s Home.

With your generous gift to the “Canaan Farm Project” your name will be permanently displayed on FOLA’S wall as a legacy of your commitment to this great project. Please earmark you gift “Canaan Farm Project” and be sure to let us know what target area you would like to give towards. WE ARE A 501C3 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION. YOUR GIFT IS FULLY TAX DEDUCTIBLE. Thank you for partnering with God and FOLA to help take care of the poor and needy in Uganda.

Please be sure to check our website for updates on the progress of our "Canaan Farm Project."
