Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Going After the One


Jesus always went out after the one.  The one with the withered hand, the one who was blind, the one who was lame, the one with the issue of blood, the one at the well, and the one who was demon possessed.   


Sometimes we get so caught up in the business of life that we forget about taking time for the one.  Ordinary people like you and I must step up and to begin again to care about the one.  Heroes don't wear capes.  Heroes see the need, are moved with compassion, and then go meet that need.  Heroes are often quiet, unassuming people who simply won't accept that they can do nothing.  We, like they, can do something.  We can feed one!  We can minister to the needs of one.  We can educate one.

Will you help feed just one?

If we can change one person’s destiny, like Jesus did, we can then
begin to change a village, a community, a city, and then a nation.
It all begins by helping just one!
Will you help make a difference in one child’s life?

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge
fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy. (Proverbs 31:8-9)

For the Love of Africa Ministries cares about the one!
Would you join us and help us care for JUST ONE?

We must not let the enormity of the problem prevent us from stepping forward and saying "I will help the one." Please join us in saying, “Yes, I will commit to helping one child grow and thrive. Together we can make a difference!

Please visit our website fortheloveofafricaministries.com

to see how you can help just one!