Saturday, July 14, 2012

Blessed to be a Blessing

Most Africans live in extreme poverty!!!   99.999% of them do not have the amenities that you and I have been blessed with.  They do not live in air conditioned homes, have running water, indoor plumbing, electricity, or have a vehicle to drive, but instead live by meager means, hoping and praying that they will even have food for themselves and their families’ next meal and will live to see tomorrow. 

Many of us, including myself, have become spoiled in that we have become “consumer” minded.  We see the newest gadget on the market and think we “have to have it.”  May God deliver us from that consumer mentality!!!  We are driven by greed to always want and have more!  We need to face the fact that it is due to the sin of selfishness and self-centeredness within us!!!   We have become “consumed” by  what our neighbor has, driven by the TV and newspaper ads telling us of a great sale they have, and our thinking that we have to have it.  Because of our wants (what we “think” we need) and not living within our means, credit card debt has skyrocketed and has driven us into a lifetime of debt, which then becomes bondage to us.  (I like what I heard Dave Ramsey and the late Larry Burkett say about credit cards.  If you cannot pay off your credit card (in full) the following month after your purchase, you need to cut up the card (s) and throw them away.) We see that same problem even within our government spending!!!  It is out of control!!!  This is what the Bible calls the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16).  Instead, we are to be content with the things we have (Hebrews 13:5, Philippians 4:11) and live within our means!!! MAY GOD DELIVER US FROM OURSELVES!!!
Instead of being “consumer minded”, God wants us to share what we have with those that are in need. When my Bible study group and I were doing a series on “Outlive Your Life” by Max Lucado (highly recommended), we decided to take the challenge to begin to give to the poor and needy the same amount of money that we spent on ourselves (our “wants”).  Most of us do not think about spending money on our selfish wants, but when we instead have to begin giving that same amount to the poor and needy, we balk. This really shows us our hearts!!!  So we have to ask ourselves these questions:  “Is this a need or a want?” There clearly is a difference!!!

Most Africans, on the other hand, live day to day with no credit cards, no shopping sprees to the mall, no Star Bucks, but instead, barely even know what it is to have a piece of furniture in their home, live in a 8 x 8 shack or hut, and can barely make it through the day.  Many go days and days without even eating, get chased out of their little huts because they are so poor they cannot even afford the $40 per month rent, or get sent home from school because they could not pay their school fees. Most of them do not even get an opportunity to go to school, because they do not have money for the tuition and do not even know what a grant, scholarship, student loan, or free school lunch is.  BUT WHAT THEY DO HAVE IS HUMILITY, LOVE, AND A LOT OF RESPECT FOR OTHERS!!!!  THEY TRULY HAVE HEARTS OF GOLD!!!!  WE TRULY COULD LEARN A LOT OF THINGS FROM THEM!!!!
 By helping Africans dig out of the “poverty mode” they are stuck in, we can give them a future and a hope!!! They just need someone to come along side of them, believe in them and their need, and love them. As Max Lucado said, “We need to see past their eyes, and look way down deep into their need and their heart” (paraphrased).  It may be a simple thing as helping them pay for schooling, food, rent, or helping them with their medical needs.  WHEN WE COME ALONG-SIDE THEM, WE ARE LITERALLY POURING INTO THEIR FUTURE AND CHANGING THEIR DESTINY!!! 

Won’t you reach out and be a blessing?  IT TRULY IS IN GIVING THAT YOU RECEIVE!!!!  It may not be a financial blessing that you receive back!!!  Like Dan & Julie DeYoung, the blessing may come in unusual ways, such as sparking a new friendship or gaining a daughter or son of a different race and nationality!!!!!  Remember, I went to be a blessing on my mission trip last year to Uganda, but I was truly the one that got blessed and it has changed my life forever!!!  I have been blessed many times over with the additions to my new “family” of awesome Africans!!!

Forever changed,