Thursday, June 28, 2012


As you read in Dr. Gilbert's last blog, the needs of the four HIV positive children are enormous! We know that God loves and cares about Sandra, Sharon, Nicholas, and Keith!!! They just need someone to come alongside them to help them. Dr. Gilbert laid out pretty specific plans as to what needs to be done to make a difference in their lives. So how can we help? What can we do? If we do not help them, who will? Would you be willing to join our cause and help fight for these children’s future or for any other African's future?

To help you understand the needs of these children and many other Africans, I have asked some of those sponsoring someone in Africa, as well as, some of our new found friends in Africa to share some of their experiences in our new venture. I think they each have their own true story to tell!  I would like to begin by telling a little bit about one of mine.

While I was in Uganda last September, I became good friends with a very special family. When I arrived there, they were flooded out of their home (which, by the way, was torn down after I returned back to the US), lost most of their belongings, and did not have any food to eat. Besides that, the husband had severely injured his hand a year or two before and had not been able to work to support his family. Imagine the situation I found them in!!! I felt such love for this family and knew that God was calling me to make a difference in their lives.

When I returned home, I shared my burden for them with some of my family members and church family, and together we pooled our money together and helped pay the husband's way through mechanical training (he graduated in May 2012), is now in school to learn to read, write, and speak English, and hopefully has a job waiting for him when he completes his schooling in April 2013.  

I went to Africa to be a blessing, but my life is the one that has been blessed by them!!!  But not only by them!  Also with some of my newer found African friends, like Dr. Gilbert!  They all have become like family to me!!!! 

I like something Max Lucado said in his book "Outlive Your Life" that things work better when you work together as a team.  I, myself, may be able to do a little, but as a team, we can do a lot!!! Would you be willing to join our team and help make a difference in Africa?  If you are interested in helping, please feel free to contact me at

I hope you will read the upcoming blog testimonies from sponsors and ones that have been or are the recipients of our love.


God bless,

Friday, June 22, 2012

HIV Positive Orphans

Next of kin
Education level
Primary  Two
Nursery  School
Primary  Six
Primary Two
13 years
5 years
15 years
12 years

These are the four HIV /AIDS orphans that I was describing in my prior article.  The picture on the right side of the home page was taken with me at the time they were brought for treatment to one of the medical missions we did in their district several weeks ago.
Sandra, Sharon, and Nicholas stay with their grandmother. Their mother died and their father is  HIV/AIDS positive. He is very poor, a drunkard, and has neglected the family after discovering his own health issues. Their grandmother is old, has no income to support their family, and looks after many of her other grandchildren.
The 4th one, Keith (lower left), stays with his mother who is also a HIV /AIDS patient and is in treatment.  Keith’s father died and left the mother alone, without any source of income.  Since they were peasants, they depended on digging and now she is too weak to dig, both for food and for earning money.
Treatment: All four children get their ART treatment (HIV /AIDS) medicine from Health Initiative for Africa Hospital in MUKONO district, which helps in providing only ART medical treatment to patients.

How we came to meet them: These children were brought in for treatment to a medical mission we held in a remote district in Buikwe, Uganda on May 18th-19th.  Heath care services in that district are very minimal and are very expensive for common people.  When the children were brought to the medical mission, they were in a terrible condition. We felt a lot of compassion for them, causing us to ask more questions. We did the HIV/AIDS TESTING, which proved all of them to be HIV positive. We gave them the necessary support, clothing, and medical care we could and referred them for further management to a hospital. We continued following up with them to make sure their health began to stabilize.


They lack nutritional care: They do not have the proper nutritional care, due to the fact that they come from a very poor family and are being looked after by their grandmother or sick mother, without any source of income. Also, sometimes Sandra, Sharon, and Nicholas are overworked by their grandmother, thinking that they can get some food from what they do, and their being overworked causes them to end up in the hospital.
They lack quality education: They do not have a source to pay for school fees and travel long distances to find schools that are cheap and match their standards. They have had to repeat grades and have even been demoted, because they do not attend classes regularly due to lack of paid school fees.
They lack parental love:  Because they are orphans and they and their guardians live under stress, they live in helplessness and hopelessness, and their father does not care for them and has neglected them. They need to be loved and shown parental care. The three children stay in a small poor house, sometimes with more than 11 people (including grandchildren), and when staying there, they do not sleep on mattresses and have no blankets.
They lack medical treatment: Apart from receiving HIV/AIDS treatment from the hospital, they need other medical treatment for infections, etc., since they have low immunity and have side effects of the HIV/aids drugs.
They lack spiritual  support:  Since they have been tortured mentally, they need someone to help them learn what the Word of GOD says about them, share with them how much He loves them, cares for them, and that He has a plan for their lives.


GOOD NUTRITION: They need to eat on a balanced diet on a daily basis.  Their well-balanced diets should consist of a combination of energy giving, body building, and protective foods; drinks; and water that have been boiled three times. After these things have been put into place, a body weight assessment needs to be completed.  Why nutrition?  HIV Infected individuals are more at risk for malnutrition due to the following reasons: loss of appetite, poor food absorption, chronic infections, and illnesses.
EDUCATION: They need a good school that is easily accessible and with cheap means of transportation to where they are staying.
SCHOLASTIC MATERIALS: Basic needs should include: jerry, water, soap, books, tooth brush, tooth paste, books, pens, pencils, clothes, shoes, etc.
PARENTAL LOVE: They need a good home where they can be cared for as children, and be looked after by a trained godly person who will make sure that they have everything they need (i.e. food, water, and hygiene, etc.).  This may mean renting a house where they can stay.  I am willing to stay with them, but my house is a bit small to accommodate all of us! This would be a bit cheaper, compared to a nursing home.
MEDICAL TREATMENT: I will stand in the gap as being the immediate doctor and making referrals for them as needed.  Some prescription drugs are necessary, due to the fact that their immunity is low and their bodies cannot resist diseases.
SPIRITUAL CARE:  We would teach them the Word of GOD and ALSO get them involved in children’s church ministry.

Please pray for them! God loves these children, as they were created in His image and likeness, just the same as you and me!!!   He desires to meet their needs!

Dr. Gilbert
 Africa, Uganda

Dr. Gilbert Birungi

I have asked Dr. Gilbert Birungi to write on the blog with me. He will be a great asset to our cause, as he, himself lives in Uganda Africa and knows firsthand the problems and challenges the African people face.
He will begin by sharing about 4 HIV positive children he found while working at one of the World Born Again Medical Ministries medical clinic's he sponsored a few weeks ago. His picture, along with theirs is the picture you see on the right hand side of the blog home page.  Their story is heartbreaking and their needs are very great!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hope for HIV Orphans

Is there hope for an orphan child born with HIV/AIDS from a very poor family back ground to live?”

When we talk about someone coming from a very poor family back ground some people may not fully understand what this means. I am referring to a situation where having something to eat, drink or dress is through struggle. It is very hard to describe this state but one can simply describe it as a complete lack of basic needs to live. The biggest percentages of Africans live in such a state. 

Very few people have the faith that such children born with HIV/AIDS can also make it in life and live a normal life. It is very easy to believe that such children were meant to suffer due to their condition and hence giving a wrong impression of the God who created them among some people. This is the sole dream of the devil, our adversary, to make the people believe that our God does not care nor does He have good plan for such people. These children also have a right to live, to acquire education, good shelter, good food and medical care because God loves all people equally.

The word of God is very clear about His purposes for our lives and there is nothing that can limit his ability to achieve his plans for our lives. HIV/AIDS, poverty, illiteracy  cannot  stand in the way of the Lord to achieve plans for His people because He loves them. Then, why is it too hard to convince the parents of such children born with HIV that God has a good plan for them and their children? I think this is because they have believed the report of the devil that there is nothing that can be done to their situation and thus they become hopeless. Do you know what it means to have a child that you are just expecting to die any time? Believe me, it is a horrible feeling!
It is high time to give another report to these people  that God loves them, cares about them and that He has good plans for them. This report will make a difference in their lives forever. There is nothing impossible with the Lord. And actually, God is very ready waiting for any one that is ready to be sent to take that report. That is you and me that believe in His word. Isa 6:8  Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.
God is not limited by someone’s back ground, disease nor lack. There for HIV/AIDS or poverty is nothing to him and actually we have seen some people who have grown up with HIV/AIDS and have become very important people in the society. These are just a few cases that are from well to do families. We therefore believe that if such children born with HIV/AIDS are taken care of, there is a great chance of restoring their hope to live for tomorrow.
These children are in a compromised state which means that their immunity is low and are reliable to opportunistic infections that mostly kill them. This means that if proper nutritional and medical care is given to them, this will greatly improve their immunity thus giving them a good health.
Together we can make a difference in the lives of these children that are born with HIV/AIDS  ,For the love of Africa.
In our next post, we shall be sharing some of the African children that are in such a state of poverty, neglected and living with HIV/AIDS.
There is hope in Jesus Christ.


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Uganda Africa Mission Trip 2011

On our Ugandan mission trip in 2011, we held two 1-day medical clinics.  Most of the more than 550 patients that were seen had never been to a doctor, dentist, or optometrist in their whole life.  Dr. Gilbert Birungi saw numerous cases of malnutrition, HIV, malaria, yellow fever, typhoid, hypertension, possible cancer, eye infections, many back and leg issues, heart problems, tumors, and many other problems, too numerous to mention!!! 

We assisted the doctors by taking the patient’s blood pressure, helped the pharmacist fill prescriptions, and assisted with passing out eye glasses.  All of these patients were seen for a total cost of $450, which is less than a $1 per person.  That’s right!  Less than $1 per person!!!  I cannot imagine any of us in the United States, getting medical, dental, and optometrist care for less than a $1 per person!!!! 

The dental needs there are very heartbreaking, as most African’s do not have the finances to see a dentist or have dental supplies such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, or dental floss.   We had a dentist in one of our medical clinics in Kampala, Uganda who did extractions, dental examinations, and teeth cleaning.  At our medical clinic in Kigumba,  Doctor Gilbert saw a patient who had LIVE worms in the gums of his teeth!!!  Yes, you heard correctly…LIVE WORMS!!!

Also, while passing out toothbrushes at that same medical clinic, I thought I was going to lose my life, as some village people pressed in to try to reach for the toothbrushes I was passing out!!!  Can you imagine "feeling like" you were being mobbed for a toothbrush, that can easily be purchased at Target or CVS for a couple of dollars???  You may think that seems unthinkable, but remember these people have never had a toothbrush in their whole life, nor the funds to purchase one.   As Americans, we cannot imagine living in conditions such as these or realize how horrible it would be if the roles were reversed and we were in their shoes!!!!! 

To top it all off, Africans do not have health and dental insurance, nor do they have Disability Insurance, Social Security, Unemployment Benefits, AFDC, 401-K or Pension Plans, etc.  Besides all that, they would not have the ability to pay for any of it, if they did, as many of them probably do not earn more than $365 per year!

So let us always remember to have a thankful heart with what God has blessed us with, but do not let the blessings stop there.  He blessed us, so that we can be a blessing to others!!!  I challenge you to reach out and be a blessing to someone in need, whether they are the people of Africa or the needy in the city or neighborhood where you live. Truly, it is in giving that you receive!!! 

I went to Africa to be a blessing, yet I was the one that was totally blessed by the precious African people!!!  The love and respect they have shown towards us has been very heartwarming!!!

Remember, we are each called to make a difference!!!

God bless,

Friday, June 15, 2012

Life in Africa

Life in Africa is quite challenging for any African, much less for someone from a different culture or back round! When I went on my first mission trip to Uganda Africa last September, I was flabbergasted by the starvation, extreme poverty, very poor living conditions, lack of clean water and medical care, number of orphans, and lack of education, etc. I saw.

 Even places in America, that we deem as "poverty stricken," are nothing compared to what I saw there!!!!  It took me about 3 days to "gather myself emotionally" because of the shock I felt going on inside of me!  It had such a dramatic affect on my life that I came back feeling that God was calling me to make a difference!!!  None of us may be called to be another Mother Teresa, Billy Graham, or someone great, BUT WE ARE ALL CALLED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN OTHER PEOPLE'S LIVES, ESPECIALLY THE POOR AND NEEDY.  According to Matthew 25:31-46, we will even be judged by God for what we did for those in need.

About two weeks after I returned home from my trip, I had a dream that I was standing on a platform at a very busy intersection in a large city and I was telling everyone who would listen to me about the needs in Africa.  That is the goal of this blog!   I feel that God has called me to be a voice that cries out for needs of the poor and needy people in Africa!

For many of us it is easy for us to turn our heads when we see someone who is homeless or in need or to turn the TV channel when we see a Christian based ministry that sponsors needy children, showing little boys and girls with bloated belly's, flies crawling on their faces, little bodies so thin they look like toothpicks, or unbathed children with tattered clothing, but what you see in those advertisements is exactly what life really looks like in Africa!  It is not only the way of life for scores and scores of African children, but also for most adults!!

I like something I heard Max Lucado say in his "Outlive Your Life" Bible Study when he said that when we do not like something, we put this big clam shell up around us, so that we really do not feel, see, or hear what people are going through.  It is too painful, so we tune it out! I was one of the worst of them!  I thought "I am only one person.  How can one person make a difference!"  I put the clam shell up around me, so it did not hurt so bad when I saw them.  I was guilty of turning the TV channel, because I could not hold back the tears and the pain!  It was not the fact that I did not reach out and do anything for the poor and needy, but I felt that I was paralyzed from really reaching out to make much of an impact.

So I guess the word to all of us, including myself, is to not let that be said of us!!!!  In the upcoming blogs, I will be sharing with you about some of the work we have done in Africa and the difference we are making there, what we are planning to do, the challenges Africans face, health and education issues they face, orphans without the proper care/provision or parental care they need, lack of proper medical care, etc.

Please stay tuned! The best is yet to come!!!

God bless,