Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hope for HIV Orphans

Is there hope for an orphan child born with HIV/AIDS from a very poor family back ground to live?”

When we talk about someone coming from a very poor family back ground some people may not fully understand what this means. I am referring to a situation where having something to eat, drink or dress is through struggle. It is very hard to describe this state but one can simply describe it as a complete lack of basic needs to live. The biggest percentages of Africans live in such a state. 

Very few people have the faith that such children born with HIV/AIDS can also make it in life and live a normal life. It is very easy to believe that such children were meant to suffer due to their condition and hence giving a wrong impression of the God who created them among some people. This is the sole dream of the devil, our adversary, to make the people believe that our God does not care nor does He have good plan for such people. These children also have a right to live, to acquire education, good shelter, good food and medical care because God loves all people equally.

The word of God is very clear about His purposes for our lives and there is nothing that can limit his ability to achieve his plans for our lives. HIV/AIDS, poverty, illiteracy  cannot  stand in the way of the Lord to achieve plans for His people because He loves them. Then, why is it too hard to convince the parents of such children born with HIV that God has a good plan for them and their children? I think this is because they have believed the report of the devil that there is nothing that can be done to their situation and thus they become hopeless. Do you know what it means to have a child that you are just expecting to die any time? Believe me, it is a horrible feeling!
It is high time to give another report to these people  that God loves them, cares about them and that He has good plans for them. This report will make a difference in their lives forever. There is nothing impossible with the Lord. And actually, God is very ready waiting for any one that is ready to be sent to take that report. That is you and me that believe in His word. Isa 6:8  Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.
God is not limited by someone’s back ground, disease nor lack. There for HIV/AIDS or poverty is nothing to him and actually we have seen some people who have grown up with HIV/AIDS and have become very important people in the society. These are just a few cases that are from well to do families. We therefore believe that if such children born with HIV/AIDS are taken care of, there is a great chance of restoring their hope to live for tomorrow.
These children are in a compromised state which means that their immunity is low and are reliable to opportunistic infections that mostly kill them. This means that if proper nutritional and medical care is given to them, this will greatly improve their immunity thus giving them a good health.
Together we can make a difference in the lives of these children that are born with HIV/AIDS  ,For the love of Africa.
In our next post, we shall be sharing some of the African children that are in such a state of poverty, neglected and living with HIV/AIDS.
There is hope in Jesus Christ.
