Sunday, June 17, 2012

Uganda Africa Mission Trip 2011

On our Ugandan mission trip in 2011, we held two 1-day medical clinics.  Most of the more than 550 patients that were seen had never been to a doctor, dentist, or optometrist in their whole life.  Dr. Gilbert Birungi saw numerous cases of malnutrition, HIV, malaria, yellow fever, typhoid, hypertension, possible cancer, eye infections, many back and leg issues, heart problems, tumors, and many other problems, too numerous to mention!!! 

We assisted the doctors by taking the patient’s blood pressure, helped the pharmacist fill prescriptions, and assisted with passing out eye glasses.  All of these patients were seen for a total cost of $450, which is less than a $1 per person.  That’s right!  Less than $1 per person!!!  I cannot imagine any of us in the United States, getting medical, dental, and optometrist care for less than a $1 per person!!!! 

The dental needs there are very heartbreaking, as most African’s do not have the finances to see a dentist or have dental supplies such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, or dental floss.   We had a dentist in one of our medical clinics in Kampala, Uganda who did extractions, dental examinations, and teeth cleaning.  At our medical clinic in Kigumba,  Doctor Gilbert saw a patient who had LIVE worms in the gums of his teeth!!!  Yes, you heard correctly…LIVE WORMS!!!

Also, while passing out toothbrushes at that same medical clinic, I thought I was going to lose my life, as some village people pressed in to try to reach for the toothbrushes I was passing out!!!  Can you imagine "feeling like" you were being mobbed for a toothbrush, that can easily be purchased at Target or CVS for a couple of dollars???  You may think that seems unthinkable, but remember these people have never had a toothbrush in their whole life, nor the funds to purchase one.   As Americans, we cannot imagine living in conditions such as these or realize how horrible it would be if the roles were reversed and we were in their shoes!!!!! 

To top it all off, Africans do not have health and dental insurance, nor do they have Disability Insurance, Social Security, Unemployment Benefits, AFDC, 401-K or Pension Plans, etc.  Besides all that, they would not have the ability to pay for any of it, if they did, as many of them probably do not earn more than $365 per year!

So let us always remember to have a thankful heart with what God has blessed us with, but do not let the blessings stop there.  He blessed us, so that we can be a blessing to others!!!  I challenge you to reach out and be a blessing to someone in need, whether they are the people of Africa or the needy in the city or neighborhood where you live. Truly, it is in giving that you receive!!! 

I went to Africa to be a blessing, yet I was the one that was totally blessed by the precious African people!!!  The love and respect they have shown towards us has been very heartwarming!!!

Remember, we are each called to make a difference!!!

God bless,