Beloved, greetings in Jesus’ precious name! Thank you very much for supporting and praying for us concerning the work For the Love of Africa Ministries is doing in Africa. It is a great privilege to be counted worthy as one in the army of the Lord, which He is raising in this end-time, to stand in the gap with For the Love of Africa Ministries’ work in Africa.
This is another time to call upon you in whatever part of the world you live in. We ask you to join us or stand in the gap by fasting and prayer. We serve a faithful God who will continually renew our strength as we wait upon Him. We want to see God doing great and mighty things on this trip, more than ever before.
I request you to meditate on your brothers and sisters, more especially those who are needy and suffering, and also for what we are asking the Lord to do in this season of our mission trip. Think about what you can do to make a difference by praying for us, the success of the trip, and by becoming a blessing financially, etc. The mission trip is scheduled for June 13th through June 29th.
The Bible says “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 [NASB]
Our heavenly Father gave us His only begotten Son, to pay a great price for our salvation. Today, we are set free; though the Bible declares that it’s only those that received Him, that He gave the right (power) to be called children of God. (John 1:12) – Paraphrased.
Let us look at some examples of those who gave selflessly to God in the Bible.
In John 12:1-11 we read on how Mary the sister of Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead, anointed Jesus’ feet with a very costly perfume and wiped his feet with her hair, as a sign of worshipping Him with all she had. Also, we read the account of the widow’s mite in Luke 21:1-4, where Jesus noticed the poor widow as she gave the “two mites” she had into the treasury.
Jesus declared that the poor widow gave more than all who also came casting their gifts into the treasury out of their abundance as stated in Luke 21:4. “For they all, out of their surplus (abundance), put into the offering; but she out of her poverty put in all that she had to live on” [NASB]. In the two examples cited above, we see that Mary and the poor widow gave all they had to worship our Lord Jesus in Spirit and in Truth.
Please take time to meditate and ask yourself, “What is the “little mite” you want to worship God with? How much of yourself are you willing to give in whatever form He wants you to sacrifice it to Him?” Listen to what God has to say to you personally and whatever He tells you to do, just obey and do it. To some:
• It could be your selfless commitment to put smiles on the vulnerable children wallowing in anguish and poverty, living in slums and remote villages, and sick orphans who For the Love of Africa Ministries and Mercy House of God Church have tried to rehabilitate by giving them a home and basic needs. There are many others who we would love to stand with, so that they might have a future.
It is because of these reasons that we ask you to join us again this season, as we raise the altars of prayer that God may work and bring more fruits and testimonies from this trip.
Yours in His vineyard,
Dr. Gilbert
Uganda Africa
This is another time to call upon you in whatever part of the world you live in. We ask you to join us or stand in the gap by fasting and prayer. We serve a faithful God who will continually renew our strength as we wait upon Him. We want to see God doing great and mighty things on this trip, more than ever before.
I request you to meditate on your brothers and sisters, more especially those who are needy and suffering, and also for what we are asking the Lord to do in this season of our mission trip. Think about what you can do to make a difference by praying for us, the success of the trip, and by becoming a blessing financially, etc. The mission trip is scheduled for June 13th through June 29th.
The major focus now is SELFLESS GIVING
Our heavenly Father gave us His only begotten Son, to pay a great price for our salvation. Today, we are set free; though the Bible declares that it’s only those that received Him, that He gave the right (power) to be called children of God. (John 1:12) – Paraphrased.
The question to us this season is:
How much of ourselves are we ready or willing to give to God?
How much of ourselves are we ready or willing to give to God?
In John 12:1-11 we read on how Mary the sister of Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead, anointed Jesus’ feet with a very costly perfume and wiped his feet with her hair, as a sign of worshipping Him with all she had. Also, we read the account of the widow’s mite in Luke 21:1-4, where Jesus noticed the poor widow as she gave the “two mites” she had into the treasury.
Jesus declared that the poor widow gave more than all who also came casting their gifts into the treasury out of their abundance as stated in Luke 21:4. “For they all, out of their surplus (abundance), put into the offering; but she out of her poverty put in all that she had to live on” [NASB]. In the two examples cited above, we see that Mary and the poor widow gave all they had to worship our Lord Jesus in Spirit and in Truth.
Please take time to meditate and ask yourself, “What is the “little mite” you want to worship God with? How much of yourself are you willing to give in whatever form He wants you to sacrifice it to Him?” Listen to what God has to say to you personally and whatever He tells you to do, just obey and do it. To some:
• It could be your selfless commitment to put smiles on the vulnerable children wallowing in anguish and poverty, living in slums and remote villages, and sick orphans who For the Love of Africa Ministries and Mercy House of God Church have tried to rehabilitate by giving them a home and basic needs. There are many others who we would love to stand with, so that they might have a future.
• To give towards Water Projects in the slums of Katanga Kampala or Masindi, or other places which gravely need clean drinking water.
• Give towards Mercy Junior School by helping these young needy children with an education. You can also sponsor one child in this school at a cost of $30 per month.
• Sponsorship of students under FOLA sponsorship program.
• Pray and support the seminars, teachings, and conferences that we going to be doing to help bring lasting change in Africa.
• Go on a mission trip with FOLA to touch the lives of those Jesus called “the least of these My brethren” in Matt. 12:31-40 and help to make a difference in their lives.
Yours in His vineyard,
Dr. Gilbert
Uganda Africa