Saturday, August 9, 2014

June/ July 2014 Mission Trip

For the Love of Africa  Ministries
Mission Trip: June /July 2014

Special Appreciation to You
Praise God everyone! We have another great testimony about the amazing things For the Love of Africa Ministries has done during their one month mission trip to Uganda, Africa.  Special thanks to those who participated in prayer and financial giving and to Momma Mary, Bill, Wendi, and Jena, who made up the FOLA mission trip team. I know it was not easy, but by faith and because of your love for Uganda, you have allowed God to use you. Surely our living God, who is faithful in all circumstances, was on our side and I am so very proud to say, that by God’s grace, you did a great work and it was a huge success.
Kampala Mission:

From the time Momma Mary and the team arrived in Uganda, we saw God moving.  We held a women’s conference in which they empowered women in different areas. We did cervical cancer screening, awareness, and treatment, as here in Africa it’s one of the leading causes of death in women. Wendi Nelson taught them physical exercises to help strengthen different parts of their bodies. Momma Mary empowered them on how to handle their families, taught about work ethics, and helped the single mothers to know that they can make it in life and shared her own experiences of God’s grace and mercy in her life.
Momma Mary preaching

We held a 2-day medical mission in Kampala, whereby 800 patients received free medical and dental care, as most of them are very poor, live in slum areas, and had never seen a doctor or dentist before. We also had very many complicated medical and dental issues, which needed referrals to other facilities.

Among those needing emergency care was a man from Congo who came to the medical mission. He suffered with urethra strictures which he has had for 5 years. He had sold everything he had to get treatment, but has been unable to do so. Later when he could no longer  pass urine at all and was in so much pain, he went to the hospital and they put in a supra pubic catheter (tube) to collect urine, which he has now had for about two months. We prayed with him, counseled him, and gave him strong antibiotics to help treat and prevent infections. AFRICA BILL AND MOMMA MARY talked with him and found out he needs four to five surgeries to correct the problem and each surgery costs around $1,400. Please keep him in your prayers.
Momma Mary, Dr. Gilbert, patient, Africa Bill
Dr. Cissy and Africa Bill seeing patient

 Kampala pharmacy
Wendi taking blood pressure
We visited our Mercy Junior School which has 60 students.  The children performed well for our visitors, shared with them, and they had fun together. We also had children’s ministry time with the children in Sunday school children’s church. The team did an awesome job with them and presented them with cross necklaces and candy and also passed out clothing to children in the Katanga slum area. 
Presenting school supplies, etc. to Mercy Junior School
Passing out clothing to children in Katanga slum area

We also held a marrieds, leaders, and pastors workshop at a Kampala hotel, where we shared about family planning, budgeting and finances, family/marriage, and work ethics.
We celebrated the graduation of two girls who have been sponsored through FOLA’S sponsorship program. Shamiim and Monica have just completed their studies in business administration and nursing. They were thankful for what FOLA has done in shaping their future.

Celebrating FOLA sponsored college graduations

FOLA presented a wheelbarrow and tools to the local government leaders in the slum area of Katanga to help them clean out the water trenches that pass through this village of 70,000 to 80,000 very poor people.  It is located directly behind our church, medical clinic, and school. We visited the places where we are planning our water projects that will provide clean water to the people in this community. Currently, many of them come to our medical clinic for medical assistance because of typhoid and malaria caused by infested mosquitoes that are breeding in the contaminated water.

Momma Mary presenting wheel barrow/tools
Katanga water project

Masindi Mission:

In Masindi, most houses and churches are covered with grass, have no water source in the whole village, and walk about 5-6 miles to one dirty small source of running water which supplies the whole village. We held a 2-day medical mission in this area where 850 were treated, and also had crusades and conferences with different teachings, garden seeds were distributed to pastors, held children’s ministry, and ministered to government leaders. It was a huge success and hundreds gave their lives to Christ.
Hardworking Masindi team
Patients waiting in line to be seen by doctor
Dr. Alex & Jena working in dental clinic
Dr. Gilbert preaching at crusade
Momma Mary passing out garden seeds to pastors
Kanungu Mission:

ANOTHER THING TO SHARE ON THIS TRIP IS WHEN MOMMA MARY TOLD ME THAT GOD HAD PUT A BURDEN UPON HER HEART FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE KANUNGU VILLAGE (DISTRICT) WHERE I GREW UP. THIS WAS NOT PLANNED FOR IN THE BUDGET, BUT SHE KEPT ON SHARING HER HEART WITH ME.  I also believed God and I was full of joy that Momma Mary and all of you could think of such a thing to bless the people in my village. Later she told me that someone gave money and she felt she was to keep it for Kanungu. This made my day and I felt loved more than ever before. I am so grateful and humbled.
We held a two-day medical mission in this village of Kanungu with over 1,100 people receiving treatment, of which a large number of patients traveled on foot for more than 25-30 miles to this clinic. Many of them had never seen a doctor and a dentist in their whole life. Many patients had emergencies and needed referrals. During this medical clinic 175 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ.
Kanungu pharmacy
Dr. Charles seeing patient
Dr. Derick working on dental patient
Momma Mary taking blood pressure
Pastor Michael sharing at spiritual clinic
We also held conferences and taught pastors and leaders about principles of successful ministry and also held crusades, preached the gospel, with many people receiving salvation. This village was in bondage to poverty, witchcraft, and other things which were torturing them, but God delivered them. We were amazingly able to open church in one town called Katojo, which had no church at all, as people would travel long distances of up to 25-30 miles looking for somewhere to pray. The day we opened the church, we had more than 350 people in attendance.
Kanungu worship
Momma Mary & Dr. Gilbert teaching
Dr. Gilbert and Momma Mary sharing at crusade
Pastor Michael preaching at crusade
The team visited my parent’s home, shared a meal, and ministered to many of them. We also gave over 100 children and some adults clothing in that area also.
Giving clothing to the poor and needy

Sharing a meal at Dr. Gilbert's parents' home
Mbarara Mission:
The last week we held a 3-day conference in another district called Mbarara and held a 1-day medical clinic there in which 300 patients were given free treatment. Many people were saved, either in the medical clinic or in the crusades we held.
Patients waiting in line to see doctor
Doctor seeing patient
Passing out clothing to poor and needy
Pastor Elia preaching at crusade
Mbarara crusade
·        In total, about 1,000 gave their lives to Jesus and more than 3,000 people were given free medical treatment, many were clothed, Uganda has been impacted, and we have seen a lot of spiritual fruit.
·        Urgent need: we are praying and believing God to provide finances to buy the building where the church, medical clinic, and the Mercy Junior School are located in Kampala.
May the Almighty God bless you mightily for supporting FOLA, Momma Mary, and Africa.

Yours in Christ service,

Dr. Gilbert Birungi

Uganda Africa